Balthazar X Reader

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Imagine: Stargazing with Balthazar, and he gave you your first ever kiss. And Dean decides to tease you both about it.

It was one of of those days when you couldn't sleep. Your eyes dartted open. Revealing the ceiling of your room. Located in Bobby's house. You soon checked the time. 2:27A.M. You sighed. Moving your body out of the covers, moving quietly down the halls.

"What are you doing up kid?" You jumped at the voice.

"Jesus! Bobby. Your gonna give me a heart attack. I couldn't sleep. So I was gonna do something active." You moved to the door. Seeing Dean and Sam scattered on the couch doing research.

"Working on that car?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah. Planned on it." You answered moving out the door. Closing it behind you. You moved in-between cars and finally you got to the one you were working on. The hood was down, and most of it was done. The last thing you needed was those floor covers, seat covers, and a radio. You laid on the hood and looked up at the sky. Lots of stars staring back at you.

"Isn't it a little late to be out and about? (Y/N)?" You bolted up and saw Balthazar standing there, right in front of you.

"Stalking me much?" You let out a nervous laugh.

"Just keeping an eye on you that's all." He said with a sideways smile.

"Worried?" You asked quite curious on we're the conversation was going.

"Cautious." He corrected.

"Of?" You questioned once again.

"Angels." You lifted your head as your mouth formed an O shape. "You never answered my question (Y/N)." He took a seat next to you. You felt your heart beat little faster. You hated to admit it, but something about the angel intrigued you.

"Just burning some midnight oil. I suppose." You laid back down and stared up at the sky.

"Hey Balthazar? You know anything about constellations?" You asked looking up at the star covered sky.

"Yes. Quite a lot actually." He said leaning back on the hood.

"What's that one?" You said pointing to a star. You looked back up at him. His arms were crossed supporting his head.

"Ursa Minor." You squinted at him. Then pointed to another star.

"Draco." He answered quickly. You pointed to another. Which happened to be the moon.

"Uh. The moon?" He chuckled at you.

"Oh. Yeah. I thought I saw that one before." You pointed to another.

"Cepheus." You sigh.

"I can't win with you. But aren't they beautiful though?" You said referring to the stars.

"Very. But my favorite.." He took your hand made you point and pointed at a star.

"You see that star? Well connect that one with the one next to it. It makes a flower petal." You smiled.

"I see it now. What's it called?" You asked, looking up at him.

"It doesn't have a name. Onisionally, but I like to call it (Y/N)." You smiled a bit. Turning away from him, as a blush heated your cheeks.

"You really shouldn't hide your beauty (Y/N)." Your smile grew.

"Are you purposely doing this?" You asked trying to look at him. 

"Possibly." You looked at him. His eyes pouring into yours. He moved a piece of hair behind your ear. He moved slowly closer, until your noses touched. His lips slowly grazed yours, until they actually touched. Your lips synchronized with his. You slowly pulled away. Smiling at him.

"To think, I'm falling for a human.." Balthazar mumbled.

"To think I'm falling for an angel." You said looking at him. You yawned, moving your hand up to your mouth.

"Come here.." Balthazar said opening his arms for you. You moved closer. Laying your head on his chest, as he held you loosely. You started to play with his braclets, he always wore. You sighed, soon going to sleep.

You woke up with the sun shining on your face. Squinting at the sun. You groaned, you heard Balthazar laugh a little.

"Make the sun go away." You mumbled into his shirt.

"I found her!!" You heard Dean yell. You looked up to see Dean staring at you and Balthazar cuddled up on the top of the hood.

" and Balthazar...stayed out...all yourselves?" Dean questioned with a smirk. You sighed making your face go into Balthazar's shirt.

"Make him go away..." You mumbled.

"I wish I could...I wish I could..." He whispered back.

"C'mon! We have a case! You coming or not?" Dean yelled at me. You sighed. Getting off the car hood. Following Dean as you looked back Balthazar was gone. You felt something wiegh on your wrist. It was the bracelet of Balthazar's that you played with. As you entered the room Dean commented and said.

"So I just caught Balthazar and (Y/N) cuddled up on the hood of her car..." He was never going to let it go now..

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