Angels X Reader

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Imagine: Having a water balloon fight against Gabriel and the angels and you get soaked.

"I get Ezekiel, Michael, Castiel-" you were cut off by Gabriel.

"Woah woah woah! No! Your getting all the good angels! If you get them I get Lucifer and Raphael.." He stated. You threw your hands up in protest.

"No way! You get three arch angels then!! I only have one!!" You argued. The angels were lined up in a line ready to be selected for the water balloon fight.

"How about we choose the team to go on.." Balthazar suggested. You pointed at him looking at Gabriel. Nodding slightly at the suggestion.

"Whatever.." He pouted. Throwing himself on the ground.

"Okay so there's....1. There's eight of you. Okay  four on each team. Oh! And we need a referee." You tapped your head with your finger.

"Zachariah.." Michael suggested. You made a disgusted face. Lucifer laughed.

"That's a 'no' then?" Lucifer joked.

"He's not that bad.." Michael argued.

"Yes he is!!" You threw your hands up.

"He got to force Dean into something he didn't want to do.. Along with myself.." Castiel stated. You nodded.

"Give him a chance." Michael pleaded. You sighed.

"Fine. But if he does one thing to ruin the fun then I'm shoving an angel blade where the sun don't shine." You stated crossing your arms. You heard a flutter of wings.

"Oh. Sweetheart you wish.." Zachariah stated. You turned your attention to him.

"You wanna bet." You squinted at him. Slightly smirking. He started to get uncomfortable. And moved to the other side of you.

"That's what I thought.. Okay. I painted a line in the middle of Michael's yard so that's where you can't pass. You have to stay on your side." You stated. Michael's eyes widened.

"You did what!?" Michael yelled. You shrugged it off. Soon enough they were all outside. There were two blue tubs (like the ones you get at Walmart.) were filled with blue and the other filled with red balloons.

"I'm blue team!!" You yelled before Gabriel said it.

"I wanted to be blue.." He whined. You stuck your tongue out.

"Nope already called it! Okay you guys know how to play." Castiel, Michael, Samandriel, Ezekiel, Gadreel, and Raphael didn't. You sighed.

"Okay, well, what you do is you throw the water balloons at as many people as you can. And if you hit them you get a point." You explained. After a couple questions you were ready. You had a team of Lucifer, Balthazar, Gadreel, and Michael.

"Okay, so you have Castiel, Samandriel, Ezekiel, and Raphael." You sighed.

"Okay, begin!" Gabriel shouted. They were all dodging and moving around with their angel powers, while you on the other hand was soaked, head to toe.

"Okay! We're out of water balloons!" Gabriel stated, as he had a couple of wet spots on his shirt.

"Same! But how comes your still almost dry and I'm soaked!?" You yelled at him. He shrugged with his signature smirk. Balthazar came up behind Gabriel and threw a bucket of water making him soaked. You laughed. You went up to:

Castiel he was surprised at first and then hugged you back. Once you let go, he said. "Your hugs are warm but, now I am wet." You smiled and hugged him again. "That's the point you silly angel."

Gabriel he smiled and hugged you. "At least we are wet together." You nearly choked on air. "This is probably the wettest your gonna get me." You stated. "Wanna bet?" He argued.

Lucifer. You pulled him to the nearby pool and pushed him in. Him pulling you in with him.

Michael. He was surprised. Not knowing how to react what so ever. You had a water balloon in your hand as you put in on his head, slashing it all over you and him both.

Balthazar. He wasn't expecting it. You came up behind him and threw another bucket of water on him, he turned around and tackled you.

Gadreel. He had no idea what was happening. "Embrace the water!" You stated.

Samandriel. Stealing his hat as Gabriel came up behind you and splashed you both with a bucket of water.

Raphael. He kind of just pushes you off and then all the other angels attacked him with an attack hug.

Ezekiel. "Paybacks a bitch.." You stated. "How is payback a female dog?" He asked. You laughed and hugged him more. "You gonna stand there like an awkward llama or you gonna hug me?" He ended up hugging you.

In the end nobody cared who won.

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