Demon! Dean X Reader

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Imagine: Sam calling you because you meant a lot to Dean and he has gone in a rampage and is trying to kill him.

"Sam?" You answered the phone cautiously.

"(Y/N)! You need to come to the bunker asap." He whispered into the phone.

"What's going on? Sam. Are you okay?" You were more worried now.

"He's coming. Please, (Y/N) hurry." The line went dead. You grabbed your keys and went to the bunker. You wore torn skinny jeans, a little worn out, a black kami, and a red plaid long sleeve shirt. Your hair was in a messy bun and you wore leather boots. You knocked harshly on the door.

"SAMM!! SAM I'M HERE!!" You yelled. But there was no answer. You took one of your bobby pins holding the back of your hair up and picked the lock. You opened the door, putting the bobby pin back in your hair.

"SAMMY!!!" You yelled again. You started to run the halls. Yelling Sam's name. Your heels clicking on the ground every time you walked.

"Sam!!" You got to electrics, the door was beaten down.

"Dammit. SAM!!" You shouted again. You ran down the halls and to the right. Then you hit a wall. Seeing Dean walking down to you. His eyes black.

"..D-dean?" As he got closer you started to back up.

"Oh. Hi sweety.." He said with a crooked smile, tilting his head.

"Dean. Please. You know me..." You suddenly hit a wall.

"Yeah. And I know, that you. You made me come crumbling down like the weakling I was." He moved the blade closer to your stomach. As he pushed you against the wall.

"DEAN!" A new voice said. Dean smirked. Turning his eyes back to his normal apple green eyes, that made you melt.

"Sammay. Well look who joined the party." He said moving towards Sam. You ran to him. Grabbed his arm, making him look at you. You stood on your toes so you could reach his lips. Smashing your onto his, wrapping your arms around his neck. He didn't respond at first but then you felt hands wrap around your waist dropping the blade that was in his hand.Kissing you deeply, licking your lips, asking for enterence. He turned and pushed you against the wall, still kissing you, you let him in. You put your hands on his chest. Slowly pushing him away, breaking the kiss.

"Dean, please. Let Sam help you.."  You said turning to Sam who looked like we just murdered a kitten.

"I only ask for one thing." Dean looked at you, staring at you like you haven't seen each other in decades. With him, that usually ends up you being pinned against the wall and him fucking the daylights out of you.

"That is?" You asked. He smirked. Then traced a finger down your neck, giving you shivers down your spine.

"You know what I want.." He whispered in your ear. You glumped, knowing exactly what that meant.

"Only if you let Sam help you. Please." He smiled. Kissing you once more.

"I love me some of your lips. Take me away Sammay." He said moving along the hallways. You sighed slowly sliding down the wall.

"(Y/N). I can explain. Once you left we-" You held your hands up, meaning you didn't want to hear it.

"I don't want to know what kind of shit you guys got yourselves into...but I can't get out of now. Now can I?" You laughed, Sam smiled.

"C'mon Sam! Let's get this done!" Dean yelled from the door. You closed your eyes and sighed, running your fingers through your hair. Wondering what you had just got yourself into.

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