Lucifer X Reader

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Imagine: God making all the arch angels babies. So Dean and Sam are trying to babysit them but your the only one Lucifer will listen to because he likes you.

"Dammit! Gabriel sit still! Lucifer stop fighting Michael!! Raphael! Make Gabriel sit down!" You heard Dean yell from the other room. You walked into the room to see four baby angels their wings out and about and throwing things. You laughed, catching Dean's attention. Sam was trying to stop Lucifer from hurting Michael.

"Mind helping us (Y/N)?" Dean said picking up baby Gabriel. Gabriel's wings fluttering in his face.

"Awe. But I like seeing you guys struggle." You whined. Sam gave you one of his most famous bitch faces. You lifted your arms up in defense.

"Okay! Okay. Dean. Put Gabriel down. Raphael? Can you get some candy from the kitchen for Gabriel?" Raphael nodded and smiled at your polietness. You went over to Lucifer and Michael. Lucifer started to yell. You've had enough. Being half demon and half angel you let your wings come out of your back. Showing white but black tipped wings. Lucifer stopped. Michael stuck his tongue out at Lucifer. You turned to Michael.

"You both need to stop fighting with one another." You stated. Rapheal came back with candy, Gabriel following not so far behind. Raphael pulled on your pant leg. You looked down moving your wing out of the way to see him. Reaching down and giving Gabriel a tootsie roll.

"Thank you Raphael. Gabriel that's all you get for now. Don't ask again, or you won't get any." You stated. Gabriel furiously nodded. You felt another pull on your pant leg. It was Lucifer. He held his arms up and said up. You picked him up. His wings moving vigorously, as you pick him up.

"Movie?" You asked. All their eyes lit up. You laughed. You sat on the couch spreading your wings open to hold them all in your protection. Dean and Sam looked at you who was still holding Lucifer, Gabriel on your head, poking your nose, as Raphael tried pulling him off, and Michael cuddled up on your wings, you were laughing.

"Your the only person that Lucifer will listen to you realize that don't you?" Dean said out of the blue, making you lookel up and shrug.

"Michael? Sweetie? You want to go pick a movie?" Michael looked up and got a movie, Finding Nemo. Michael gave it to Sam who put it in the DVD player. Lucifer pulled on your hair. Making you look down at him.

"Can I choose the next movie?" He asked sweetly. You never knew this Lucifer. He was still..pure, which made you smile.

"Of course." You replied. Dean and Sam decided to leave you be. You ended up on the floor your wings holding onto Raphael who was on the left of you. Michael on the right your left wing holding onto him. Gabriel's head was on your right leg and body was on the right, hanging to a blanket that clung to his body as all of them slept. Lucifer was being held in your arms, still awake, it was halfway in the movie and you were drifting off to sleep. You suddenly felt someone getting up. You saw Lucifer getting up, waddling to the DVD player taking the DVD out and putting it in its case. And putting what looked like your favorite movie in.

"Lucifer? What are you doing?" You asked still hazy. He whirled around and smiled.

"It's a surprise." He said childishly. Moving back to you. You reached your arms open and held Lucifer close. You gasped as soon as it turned on.

"It's (Y/N) favorite movie." He said quietly moving closer to you, curling up in a ball.
"Lucifer. You didn't have to. We can still watch Good Morning Vietnam. I know you like that one." He smiled, looking up at you. He shook his head.

"No. I like to see (Y/N) happy." He said as his tiny fingers traced your lips. You smiled. Playfully trying to bite his fingers he pulled away and laughed.

"Does (Y/N) like Lucifer?" You were shocked at his question.

"More than you know.." You checked the time quickly. Lucifer yawned.

"Go to sleep Lucifer.." He looked up at you with pleading eyes.

"I get nightmares. Make them go away.."  You frowned. You kissed his head.

"They won't hurt you anymore I promise." He smiled in response and went to sleep. You woke up with a heavy object on you. You couldn't breath, you saw blonde hair, still laying on you.

"Luc..Luc.." Is all you could speak out. He perked up and got off you landing on full grown Gabriel.

"Uff. Lucifer..." Gabriel said loudly. Which made the other angels get up off of you putting their wings away. You sat up and streached.

"Lucifer?" He turned to you.

"Have nightmares last night?" You asked still a little unaware that they were grown.

"No." He answer. You looked up at the new voice.

"Oh. You guys are normal" You said quietly, putting your wings away. Your hair was a mess, make-up made you look like a racoon. You sighed, getting up fixings your hair, make-up and clothes all at the same time. Lucifer's face got a faint shade of pink, but quickly faded. His brothers noticed and patted his back. And quickly left you and Lucifer alone. You moved to him held your arms up.

"Up." You smiled. He turned and smiled, looking back at you. He picked you up bridal style and sat down with you still in his lap.

"Does Lucifer like (Y/N)?" You asked in a childish voice mocking Lucifer. He faintly smiled understanding what you were getting at.

"More than you know, but go to sleep (Y/N)." He responded.

"I can't. I have nightmares." You replied, knowing what was coming next. Lucifer kissed you on your lips. You sneakily wrapped your arms around his neck. He bit down on your lip, and you smiled pulling away.

"I promise they won't hurt you anymore." He replied. You shook your head.

"Do that again." You commented,  as he slammed his lips onto yours once again. Never has it once crosses your mind that you would be kissing Satan.

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