Sam X Reader

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Imagine: A witch turns you into panda. It takes a week to get you back to normal.

You finally got back to the bunker. Your hair was a mess, your body ached, and you were a little bloody. "Hey, (Y/N)? You okay?" Sam asked as you trailed behind him and the older Winchester. It was a pretty successful hunt. The witch you had been hunting had been killing virgins in order to make her younger and pure. As she put it, but by the time Sam and Dean had go to her the witch had thrown some spell, unknown to you and them, at you. But it must have backfired, because you were perfectly fine at the time being.

A cough escaped you from your thoughts, looking up you saw the brothers Iooking at you worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just glad we go the witch." Looking up at them putting on a soft smile. "You mean bitch." Dean countered. "Nope. Witch. She was a witch." You corrected. Sam smiled at you faintly. A yawn escaped your mouth before you could do anything. You covered your mouth, looking up at the sky, seeing the falling snow around you.

The car ride back was mainly quiet and peaceful, as you cuddled your legs in the back your head leaning on the window on the impala you were in a cocoon of the blanket, as classic rock softly poured out of the stereo. You had drifted off to sleep, for it was a longer hunt then intentioned.

You were woken up by a hand gently pushing your leg and someone mumbling your name. Your eyes flew open it was Sam. You and Sam had been really good friends. Sure, you might have developed some feelings for Sam but you didn't really do anything about it. As a hunter, you knew it was dangerous to have a relationship, but the non-hunter side of you always egged you on for your feelings.

"Yeah?" You spoke tiredly. Sam shook his head eyes closed, his head aimed at the ground, smiling. "We're home." You groaned, pulling yourself out of the impala. "You know, you could've carried me to my bed rather than wake me up." You mumbled carrying yourself to the hallway. Sam shuffled a laugh. Trailing behind you until you walked past his room and into yours at the end of the hallway. You soon showered, going to bed.

The next morning your groaned, or at least tried to it turned out a squeal. (Many noises that a baby panda makes.) You noticed that everything was very dark. You tried yelling for help but it turned into more squeals. You started to move upward. Only to hit your head on the wall. You let out a bark. (Another noise a panda makes....) Rolling to your side you felt the bed move from underneath you. Soon enough you landed on the floor and let out another squeal. You struggled to get out of the mess of a blanket. Many more squeaks leaving your mouth. You soon heard footsteps. You squeaked more. "(Y/N)? You okay? I thought I heard-" It was Sam you could tell. He was standing in the doorframe staring down at the blankets on the floor and a little ball moving around and squeaking from underneath it. He moved over to the squeaking ball taking the gun out of his pants. Aiming towards the ball. He moved the blanket off of it revealing a 4 month old panda, in your clothes or shirt that you wore to bed. You looked at the giant in front of you. "Sam! Why are you so huge?" You tried but it came out more squeaks. "(Y/N)?" Sam questioned. Your head moved lazily up and down.

You tried to recollect your feet from underneath you to at least stand but your body shot back down. Sam smiled, picking your small body up in his arms. Taking the shirt off you. Now you felt naked. Your tiny claws grabbed his shirt as you started making more noises.

Sam moved to the kitchen. Where Dean was currently sitting down at the table eating pie. You squeaked again when you saw him. His head shot up, seeing you in panda form in Sam's arms. Your head leaned into Sam's shirt, he was always the warmest.

"Why- How do you have a panda?" Dean questioned worriedly. Sam didn't answer, he wanted Dean to figure it out. "That bitch! She nailed (Y/N) with a damn spell!" Dean cursed under his breath once more. You made a squeaking noise. Squirming out of Sam's arms. He reluctantly put you down on the floor where you slipped and fell a couple times but made it to the fridge. Your little paws scratched the surface.

"Dude! She's ruining the fridge!" The older scolded. You made more squeaking noises that made Sam smile. Sam walked over to you and opened the fridge slightly. You opened it further and stared at it. Finally you saw some salad, but it was on the top. Your small body moved inside slowly crawling up to reach it and push it off the top. Landing on the floor. Luckily the tubberware container didn't open or it would have spilled everywhere.

"Okay. So I guess I'm babysitting (Y/N) while you find out the cure." Dean mumbled picking up the tubberware container and opening it, sitting it back down on the ground so your body could reach it. You made another squeal eating your salad greedily.

"Why do I always have to do the research?" Sam questioned. Oh, great here it goes. You thought. "Because your younger and someone has to watch (Y/N)." The older stated in a matter of factly tone. "Well, just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean you can boss me around like a 12 yr old!" Sam yelled. You hated when they fought.

You made as much noise as possible so now they were both staring at you. Figuring that you wanted them to stop. Sam mumbled, something, but you didn't catch it.

After a couple hours Sam was head into a book to help you. "(Y/N)! Get back here!!" Dean yelled from the hallways. You squeaked. "OW! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!" Sam smiled to himself, happy that your giving Dean a hard time. Dean yelled you squeaked more. Your little body wobbling towards Sam. He saw little black and white in the corner of his eyes. You moved under the table, as you tried to climb up his leg and sit on his lap. Which you did successfully.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" Dean yelled coming into the room. You stayrd quiet. You curled up in a ball. Dean saw you on Sam's lap.

"Sammy! I changed my mind. I'll do research and you can get bitten by this monster." Dean croaked out. Sam smiled, apparently you wanted Sam to look after you in the first place.

"So movie? And naps?" Sam questioned you. Your head moved up and squeaked.

You ended up on Sam's chest as he pulled a blanket over the both of you watching Lady & The Tramp.

For the rest of the week you snuck into Sam's room and slept on him. And if he ever had the door closed you would claw at the door and squeal until he let you in. You only ate veggies that week.

Finally Dean figured out the spell and tried to reverse it but without Sam. You were currently on the couch cuddled into Sam's chest. But soon enough you were you again. "(Y/N)? Your back! Great!" Sam said happily. You moved the blanket closer to you. "Uhhhh yeah. Fun. But uh.. Don't take the blanket off." You muttered. Sam looked at you confused. "Why?" He asked. "Well I'm... Not..really...well...clothed." You sputtered. You felt Sam tense up underneath you. Then something against your thy. "Sam? Is that you?" You asked. He closed his eyes, forcing a nod. You tried to move off of him. He grabbed the blanketed part of your body. "Don't. Move." His words were forced. You didn't move.

At that moment Dean walked in the room smirking. "DEAN! You could have told me you were working on the spell to bring her back!!" Sam scolded the older brother. Your body stayed still as told. "Oh. No. You guys need to sort out a few things. But, don't mind me. I was just about to leave to go to a bar." Dean walked out into the hallways then shouted again. "DON'T BOTHER WAITING UP FOR ME!!"


A/N: I'm so proud of this one. Idk why. I just luv it. And ily. Thanks for so much. Dean alternative one? Idkkkkk!! Mayyybbweeee

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