Michael X Reader

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Imagine: Sam and Dean dissaprove of you and Michael together because of the whole vessel thing. And Michael overhears you arguing about him with the Winchesters.

"No!" Sam and Dean yelled in union. You had recently told them your crush on the eldest arch angel. "What? Why not!?" You yelled back.

"One. Because your the youngest and you have to do what we say. And two. He could use you!" Dean stated in a matter of factly tone.

"How the hell would you know!?" You shouted back. You mentally facepalmed yourself for asking such a stupid question but it had slipped out of your mouth.

"Because! He's an arch angel! He needs a vessel! What makes you think he loves you (Y/N)!?" Dean yelled back. You gave them a look hurt look. You wanted to punch him. Your heart started to pound.

"BECAUSE HE LOVED ME WHEN NOBODY ELSE DID!!" You yelled back. Earning shocked faces from both the brothers. Before you knew it a single tear slipped from your eyes. You shook your head wiping the tear. "He loves me for me. He loves me like no body else has. You know, every time I tried loving someone I always ended up hurt. But I know. That whatever Michael and I get through he puts me first. Before work. Before heaven. BEFORE HIS STUPID ASS VESSEL! HE'S BEEN THERE FOR ME! NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATION IS! AND FOR THAT I LOVE HIM." You yelled. Tears staining your face, you wiped them sniffling slightly. You turned to see Michael standing in the doorway, a couple feet away from you. His face was unreadable. Mainly, because you could barely see because of the tears stumbling down your face. His face saddened. He walked up to you, you ran into him latching yourself onto his shoulders."You shouldn't have defended me." He whispered. You shook your head. "They were telling me lies. Everything that comes out their mouth are lies." You mumbled against his shirt.

"(Y/N)-" Sam started. You turned around to him and pointed at him. "NO! SAM! I DON'T WHAT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT!" Sam wasn't one for arguing, never was, but you knew he was going to take Dean's side. Michael took your hand. Looking sadly at you.

"(Y/N). It's alright." Michael whispers. You whirled back to him, breathing softly. "Calm down." His voice was as soft as silk. He placed his hands on your cheeks, telling you to breathe. You took a deep breath looking into Michael's eyes. You placed your hands on Michael's which were still on your face. You instantly calm down. "They get me flustered." You mumbled out. He looked at you confused but had a smile lit up on his face.

"I'm sorry. For flipping out like that I wasn't expecting you to pop up." You pulled his hands off your face, glancing at Sam and Dean. He smiled once again. "You never do." You cracked a small smile. You sighed contently, after the little arguement with the Winchesters.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I have to go soon I have paperwork, but I'll pop in a couple hours of so, I'm really busy." He said grabbing your right hand and kissing it before zapping out.

You turned to face the Winchesters. "You have him whipped." Dean commented. Sam smiled, then commented on Dean's comment, "You do have him on a leash that's visible to me." You sighed, annoyed. "Shut up, I only date demons, and one night stands." You teased. They held their hands up in the air, defensively. You shuffled a laugh, moving your body to the TV.


A/N: I know! It's short and terrible. And for that I'm sorry. I've been working on my summer reading books. And I've been getting a little lazy. So the next is going to be a fluffy Garth? Dean? Or sam? Idk yet so choose which one you want. If not then I think I'll do Garth. Kaykay. Ily!!!

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