'Lil Bit of Old Courtney

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"Look....I just want this to change. I'm sorry what I did, but I'm different now. A lot can change in 10 years. I guess, what I'm trying to say is, can we start over?" I asked as I held Courtney's arms. She looked at me with big eyes and surprise on her face. "Y-yeah." she stuttered out. I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her. She backed up for a second, and then embraced me in the hug. "I'm glad you decided to talk to me, Duncan" she said smiling bright. "Me too"
what the hell does Courtney see in this guy?! sure, he's better looking than me, richer, cleaner, stronger, gentleman-er, but he can't show her a good time like I do! he's so.....they're so.....boring and plain. they don't even look passionate towards each other. it's such a bland and boring relationship because their exactly like each other. I'm nothing like Courtney. which is what makes our relationship so interesting. I mean...our past realationship.
"Josè doesn't want to come" Geoff rolled his eyes in annoyance, getting off his phone. Geoff was throwing a Reunion Party on the beach and Josè is making it to where him and Courtney aren't coming. "What the hell? Ugh, because of him, his fiancé can't even leave their hotel room." I angrily huffed. "I know dude, I know" Geoff said putting a pack of beer out. Heather and Alejandro then started walking up the beach to where we were set up. "Hey, where is everyone?" Heather asked pulling up her shades. "Dawn and Lindsay are on their way, Tyler will be here in an hour, Bridgette is tanning over there with Scott, and Courtney and Jose aren't coming." Geoff explained. "Why not?" Alejandro asked. "Because he wants to make her life a drag." Geoff said.
It was 3 AM. We were all drunk as shit and didn't know what we were doing or saying. Courtney did actually come out when Jose fell asleep at like 12. She was dancing by the fire, in her black bikini and sexy body. she reminded me of the old courtney. the Courtney I used to be in love with. I felt like I was falling in love again, even though I wasn't. When she got tired and stopped dancing, we went for a walk.
"Duncan, why are you so sexy" she giggled falling onto my chest. I laughed and lifted her off. Oh my god was she wasted. "I better get you to your room Courtney." I said carrying her. "or I could sleep in your bed" she laughed ruffling my hair.
what happened that night? she did sleep with me.
"I forgot how good you are" Courtney laughed rubbing my abs. we were heavily breathing next to each other on the bed. she just kept laughing and was so unaware that she was cheating on her fiance. so was I though. we kept saying we loved each other and kept kissing. but I knew that was the last kisses I would get from Courtney Barlow.
because after this night,
Courtney is going to shut me out completely.
And I'll never get to know the new, black haired, spy sexy, Courtney.
I've been thinking about quitting wattpad. I mean, look at how much time it's been since I've updated? this is getting too hard and idk what to do :/

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