Part 5: The Return of the Sisters

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Max, Allison, and Dani walk up outside the Sanderson cottage. Allison grins with enthusiasm. "Legend has it that the bones of a hundred children are buried within these walls."

"Is... is that true?" Dani murmured to the sisters.

They looked at each other with a sinister grin, which was all the answer that Dani needed. She shuddered uncomfortably.

Dani groaned. "Oh, great."

The trio peer through the eerie gate that leads to the cottage. They climb up some creaking steps and Allison unlocked the door. They enter the building and it's dark and creepy.

Dani coughed, wiping away cobwebs. "I can’t see a thing."

"Ahh! Think of all the delicious spiders that could be lurking there!" Sarah chuckled warmly.

Becca pulled a face of disgust.

"Well there’s a light switch around here somewhere." Allison said while trying to find it.

Max finds a display of lighters. He blew away a few cobwebs and picks one up and lights it. He smiled. "I found a lighter." He helped Allison find the light switch and the lights come on. "Whoa!"

"So the little metal box produces the flames, not thee," Winifred scowled at Max, tapping her chin.

Max smirked, "I still can't believe you fell for that."

As Allison begins to explain the history of the cottage, someone watches them from outside the window. It is a cat.

Cassie beamed at the screen: Thackery made a rather adorable cat.

"Here’s the original cauldron, and upstairs is where they slept."

"Unless thou art Winnie," Mary smiled, "who prefered to sleep before the fireplace with the spell book in her hands."

"My precious book. Oh, how I miss it terribly." Winnie placed her hand to her head dramatically.

The trio move over to where the ‘book’ is in a display case. "This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells."

"Hmm." Winnie pursed her lips, "wrong."

"Excuse me?" Allison looked at her.

"The devil didst not hand my thy book. 'Twas given to me by Mother Witch."

"Mother Witch?" Gilbert leaned forward in interest.

"Indeed. She was about to eat Sarah but instead handed Winnie the book." Mary explained.

Gilbert and Allison blinked in surprise. The sisters shrugged and returned their attention to the screen.

Dani frowns. "I get the picture."

Allison chuckled. Max pointed to something. "What’s that?"

"Oh," Allison whispered, "that’s the black flame candle."

"That candle is much nicer than the one Gilbert gave us," Izzy noted.

"It worked just the same." He defended.

Dani's eyes go wide and Allison nudged her in the shoulder jokingly. Max went over to the candle and read the sign beside it. "Black Flame Candle. Made from the fat of a hangman. Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween light." He pulled out his lighter. "So let’s light the sucker and meet the old broads."

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