Part 8: I Put A Spell On You

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Max, Allison, Binx and Dani are seen walking up to Town Hall. It is busy with adults wearing Halloween costumes. Max sighed. "Oh great. How’re we ever gonna find Mom and Dad in this place?" They get inside the building and a band, dressed as skeletons begin to play.

"Cool costumes!" Cassie beamed. "My dad would've loved to have gone to that party."

Dani walked off with Binx. "I’m gonna look for Mom."

"On your own??" Becca looked worried.

"I had Binx."

A moment passes when two hands reach out and grab Max from behind, causing him to jump in shock. It's his dad, dressed as a vampire.

"Ugh, what a disappointment. I thought that useless lump; Billy, might have caught up with thee." Winifred tutted.

Billy took a deep breath to steady his annoyance. He glared at Winifred as Sarah gave him an apologetic smile.

"Oh, Dad!"

"It’s not Dad, it’s Dadcula." He spotted Allison. "Oh my goodness, who must this charming young blood-donna be?"

"Hahah, dad jokes." Izzy chuckled. She paused before asking. "Why doesn't Dracula have any friends?"

Everyone shrugged.

"Because he's a pain in the neck."

Izzy smirked proudly at her bad joke as her friends and Thackery laughed.

The Sanderson sisters didn't understand. "Why is he a pain?"

"...because... you know?... he bites necks..." Izzy crossed her arms. "It's no fun when I have to explain it."

"I have a question..." Sarah raised her hand. "Who is Dracula? Is he a friend?"

"Could be an inside joke..." Mary nodded. She looked at Winnie conversationally, "do you know a Dracula?"

"No, I don't know a Dracula-"

Izzy face-palmed. "Oh my, God."

Max didn't have the time for that. "Dad! Something terrible’s happened!"

He suddenly turned serious. "Dani? What’s wrong?"

"Aw," Dani smiled. "Look Max, our dad is worried about his favourite child."

"You're delusional if you think that's you."

"Sure, Max." She patted him on the back in a condescending manner. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"No, Dani’s fine."

"If you call 'being attacked by three ancient witches,' fine... then sure." Allison scoffed.

"Good." He smiled at Allison before pulling Max to the side. "Excuse me. Come here."

Dani was still looking around for her mother. She walked up to a person dancing low in an alligator costume and spoke into it's mouth, "mom?" The alligator shook it's head and walked away.

"What a clever costume," Cassie mused.

Dani finally spotted her mother, dressed up like Madonna. "Mom? What are you supposed to be?"

"Wow!" Becca grinned. "She looks amazing!"

"Madonna. Well…you know…well, obviously. Don’t you think?"

Max's Dad took his son to the side so it was quieter. "Shoot, Max. Look, whatever it is, just tell me."

"He will never believe thee," Winifred chuckled.

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