Part 7: The Devil's House

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"Stopp!!!" Mary screamed as she saw something out the window of the bus.

"Oh no! Did she see you?" Cassie grimaced, looking at Max, Dani and Allison.

The Driver and Sarah slam on the breaks and look to see what’s wrong with Mary.

Mary leaned towards her oldest sister. "I smell children."

"So creepy," Allison shuddered.


Sarah hopped off the driver’s lap and went to go and see her sisters but the driver grabbed her arm. "Hey, cupcake, don’t I get your phone number? Your area code? You want my route schedule?"

"What is... a phone number?" Sarah questioned.

Izzy answered. "Um... it's a number that people have which you can use to contact other people."


Sarah looked for her sisters as she replied to the man. "Oh, thou wouldst hate me in the morning."

"Not a morning person?" Becca asked.

"No, my sisters and I would've been dead in the morning," Winifred reminded her. "But... yes, Sarah is quite insufferable in the early hours."

"'Tis true," Sarah nodded seriously.

"No, I wouldnst."

Winifred got the driver's hand off her sister's wrist. She stood between them. "Oh believe me, thou wouldst."

The sisters shared a solemn look as others in the room chuckled.

The driver glared at her. "Party pooper."

Winifred scoffed before raising her head and walking off the bus, her sisters following behind her. They walk onto a street full of children trick-or-treating.

"'Twas a buffet," Mary sighed, shaking her head at the missed opportunity.

Izzy shuddered at the disturbing words.

Winifred looked confused. "What is this, sisters? Odds bodkins!"

Sarah waved goodbye to the bus. "Farewell mortal bus boy." The bus left.

"At least she's polite," Cassie had accepted that she enjoyed watching the unusual dynamic between the sisters.

Mary appears to be in a state of distress as little children in costumes run past her. "What are those? What’s that? Who's that?""

Max and Dani smirked in amusement.

"Hobgoblins." Winnie replied.

While they stand there, a little girl dressed as an angel went over to them and did a curtsey. "Bless you."

Sarah hid her face behind her hands in fear.

Sarah and Mary screamed in terror.

"Hah, okay, that was pretty amusing," Billy chuckled.

Winifred snapped at them. "Enough!"

"I’m very confused." Mary stepped forward. "I smell children, but I don’t see children. I’ve…I’ve lost my powers." She sobbed and Winifred slapped her.

"What's with all the slapping??" Becca exclaimed.

Winnie merely shrugged.

"Enough, enough!"


"We are witches. We are evil." Winifred said. "What would mother say if she could see us like this?"

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