Hocus Pocus: Part 5- One Way Or Another

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The scene began with the Sanderson sisters stood on stage with other people dressed as the Sanderson sisters.

"A costume competition?" Allison guessed.

"Indeed," Sarah beamed, "and we won!"

"Sarah, no." Mary sighed, shaking her head. "We lost."


Winifred looked at the audience distastefully. "Observe, sisters. The villagers do not wish to comply. Whatever shall we do?"

"Comply to what?" Max asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"They refused to tell us the whereabouts of Traske," Winifred explained.

Cassie leaned towards Becca, trying (and failing) to hide behind her.

"We could give them a spell." Mary suggested and Winifred gasped. "Put them under a spell. Bewitch them."

"Ohhh no," Thackery groaned, dropping his face in his hands. "It's going to be a song, isn't it?"

"Mary, what a brilliant idea!"

Mary chuckled. She held her hand to her heart proudly, "I'm full of them."

"Clear the altar, all of you. Clear my stage." Winifred demanded as the stage cleared. She looked at the band. "And you. Try to keep up." She waved her hand, "one, two, three, four."

"Yep, she's doing a song." Billy shook his head and sighed.

'ONE WAY OR ANOTHER' began to play.

Allison blinked in surprise. "I didn't expect this song."

"The guitarist looks so bored," Gilbert laughed.

"One way or another I'm going to find you. I'm going to get you, get you, get you." Winifred sang.

Allison smiled, "I love this song by Blondie."

"I was a big One Direction fan when I was younger," Izzy informed everyone with a smile.

"One direction?" Winnie turned towards them, "I believe there are many directions, am I wrong?"

"My favourite direction is South," Sarah stated simply.

"Oh no," Izzy shook her head as Becca and Cassie laughed. "No, One Direction is a band."

"A band of... what?" Mary furrowed her eyebrows.

"A band... of singers..."

"Oh, marvellous!"

"One way or another, I'm going to win you. I'm going to get you, get you, get you. One way or another, I'm going to see you. I'm going to meet you, meet you, meet you." She continued to sing and the audience leaned from side to side; in a trance.

Gilbert couldn't take the smile off of his face, "this is so good!"

"One day maybe real soon. I'm going to meet you, I'm going to meet you, I'll meet ya!"

"You can't fault their talent," Dani sighed begrudgingly. "It's incredible."

"Thank thee, little toad."

The sisters chanted the spell as the crowd clapped to the beat.

Cassie was having the time of her life as she danced to the song. She turned to her friends, who were staring at her in amusement. "I'm so happy."

"Good for you, Cas," Becca chuckled.

"Sisters." Winifred called and all three sisters began to sing. "One way or another, I'm going to find you. We're going to get you, get you, get you. One way or another, we're going to grab you."

"The lyrics are so threatening once you realise that they are, you know... evil," Izzy grimaced, taking a sip of her lemonade.

"I'll nab you." Mary sang.

Sarah jumped forward. "I'll jab you!"

Dani faked a smile, "how pleasant."

"One way or another, we're going to snatch you. I'm going to catch you, dispatch you. One day..."

Sarah and Mary danced from side to side with their hands in the air. They were chuckling heartily.

"Maybe next week!"

"We're going to grip you."

"And then we'll trip you, I'll rip you," Winifred sang before speaking to the town, "now, lead us Salem. Lead us to thy Mayor!"

"I wonder how my dad would have reacted if we showed him this," Cassie mused.

Becca replied. "He would either be terrified-"

"-or extremely flattered." Izzy finished with a smile.

"And like a hawk in the night," Winifred sang as her and her sisters flew above the marching crowd. "We'll scoop you up for a flight!"

"I know I hate them and they're currently bewitching innocent people in the scene... but this performance is kind of cool..." Dani muttered under her breath.

The scene showed a shot of Izzy and Becca driving a bus. "Why did we think taking Gilbert's trolley was a good idea?"

"Ahh, that explains why it wasn't where it was supposed to be..." Gilbert nodded in understanding.

"It's the fastest way to get there, okay?"

"I mean..." Cassie paused, "there's probably faster vehicles..."

The scene changed again to show a shot of Cassie cleaning her house. Mr Traske called to her as he closed the front door. "Better all be clean by the time I get back, young lady. I love you."

Becca grimaced, "sorry we ruined your party."

"Don't be. It sucked, anyway." Cassie shrugged, "I wish I were with you guys."

"Ugh, I shall vomit," Winifred pulled a face of disgust at the friends.

The town danced beneath the Sanderson sisters as they sang the song and repeated their words.

"I can't believe the crowd are dancing in unison while singing. With no practice or anything. The spell... it's incredible!" Gilbert beamed in excitement.

"Thank thee," Winifred smirked smugly. She moved her hands with a flourish, "I am rather fond of it."

"Hey, guys, why are you going so slow?" Mary asked them in disappointment.

"Ugh! Don't you hate it when the innocent people that you just bewitched aren't moving as fast as you want them to!" Max stated sarcastically. He threw his hands in the air. "Ugh! How frustrating!"

"Someone gets it!" Mary (who didn't catch the sarcasm) pointed at him in appreciation.

"Wretched villagers. Useless even when bewitched." Winifred spat before speaking to the crowd. "Fan out, find him. Find him. Find the Mayor!"

"Poor guy was just trying to get his candy apple," Becca sighed with a shake of her head.

"And he didn't even get it in the end." Cassie frowned, feeling guilty.

The sisters flew ahead as the crowd danced and sang in unison. "One way or another, we're going to find you. We're going to get you, get you, get you. One way or another..."

"That was fantastic," Gilbert beamed as he and Cassie applauded.

"Thank thee!" The sisters did a curtsey in their seats.

Billy rolled his eyes as the scene ended and the next one began.

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