Part 11: Daylight Savings Time

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In the sky, the sisters were flying back to their cottage. Winifred yelled happily. "Use thy voice Sarah, fill the sky. Bring the little brats to die."

"My favourite part!!" Sarah beamed, clapping her hands.

Sarah flew away from her sisters and began to sing. Her voice was soft and enchanting as she moved her arms in the wind.

Sarah hummed to the tune as everyone watched the screen.

"You have a beautiful voice, Sarah," Becca stated, watching the scene in awe.

Billy smiled as he watched her sing.

"Come little children, I’ll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time’s come to play, here in my garden of magic."

"You may have a nice voice, but that is the creepiest lyrics to a song, I have ever heard," Allison shuddered.

All of the children in the town began to follow Sarah's voice.

"Wow..." Cassie shook her head in disbelief, "this is really bad."

"No shit." Becca replied.

Max and Allison listened to her song and shouted at the kids to wake up, "Hey! Hey, you guys! Don’t listen to her! Hey, up here!" He waved his hands. "Don't listen to her!"

"Your feeble attempts to stop Sarah will do more harm than good," Winifred warned.

"What do you mean?!" Max looked alarmed, thinking he had accidentally harmed an innocent person.

"Your voice would hurt if thou kept screeching pointlessly," Winifred shrugged.

Max sighed in relief. "That's a bit hypocritical coming from you."

"Whatever do you mean?!" Winifred yelled.

The children do not hear him, they continued to follow the witches.

"Max, I figured it out." Allison stated all of a sudden, grabbing Max's shoulders.

"Figured what out," Binx groaned. It was tiring watching his old friends figure stuff out that he already knew.


"Winifred said “The candle’s magic will soon be spent, and dawn approaches.” The black flame candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children, when the sun comes up, they’re dust."

"Oh, I wish we lived for a few days more," Sarah sighed wishfully. "I had so much I wanted to do..."

"Like what?"

"Like... like..." she paused. "I was curious to find out what a 'Nintendo' was. The insufferable teenager with the long hair mentioned it. It sounded wonderful!"

"Yeah, but how can we make the sun come up? They’ve got Dani." He looked up at the sky. "We need a miracle."

Max and Allison shared a smirk before returning their attention to the screen.

Sarah landed outside of her cottage and then ran inside. She closed the door and giggled, "the children… are coming!"

Sarah sat proudly in her seat with her head held high.

Winifred clapped her hands and chuckled. "Well done, sister Sarah."

"Thank thee, Winnie."

Dani struggled to escape the rope that bound her to a chair, while Binx moved inside of a burlap sack that hung near the fireplace. "Let me out of here!" He yelled.

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