Hocus Pocus 2: Part 9- End Credits

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"Hello!" The theatre voice spoke, startling the group. "Before you leave, there is a final scene you must watch. This is the end credits scene in Hocus Pocus two."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion before turning to the screen.

The scene showed a black cat walking through a house. It jumped onto a table and looked at a shelf before jumping onto it.

"Thackery??" Dani gasped, "it can't be!"

Binx looked just as surprised.

"No! No! That's just my cat, Snowball," Gilbert assured them.

Beside the cat was a box. On it's label it read "B.F candle #2".

"Wait-" Allison gasped, "'B.F candle: black flame candle?!"

"You made another one?!" Dani hung her head back in frustration.

"You have got to be kidding me!!?" Izzy exclaimed angrily as everyone looked at Gilbert with a similar expression of discontent.

"Okay-" Gilbert held his hands out in front of him, "hear me out-"


The movie ended on the cat's face.

"Gilbert, dear," Winifred smiled sweetly, "get someone to light the candle when thou get home, please and thank thee."

Sarah and Mary giggled in excitement at the idea of being brought back yet again.

"No!" Gilbert shook his head. "The second candle is destroyed! Trust me!"

"That's a bit difficult," Becca frowned, "you know, because of how many times you've messed up."

"Believe me, I didn't want to see them again," he spared a glance at the Sanderson sisters, who were still celebrating the existence of another candle.

"I promise I destroyed it." He insisted truthfully.

Noticing the honesty in his words, everyone nodded.

"Ugh, useless," Winifred scowled.

The voice of the theatre began to speak, "I hope you enjoyed the movie. You may now leave." A portal appeared at the front of the room.

Everyone stared at it in curiosity.

"Once you are ready, jump through the portal and it will take you back home," the Voice explained before disappearing for good.

Cassie, Izzy and Becca jumped up from their seats.

"Okay!" Becca clapped her hands, getting everyone's attention. "I think we're gonna go."

"Yeah," Cassie nodded. "I don't want to be stuck here with those three for any longer than necessary." She looked at the Sanderson sisters.

"So rude." Mary tutted.

"It was nice to meet you all," Izzy grinned at Max, Allison, Dani and Binx. "Your story was really interesting to watch."

"Thanks. Good luck with life," Allison chuckled while shaking her hand.

"You too."

"Goodbye, little witch," Winifred nodded towards Becca. "Remember to look after thy coven. Look after Book."

Becca beamed at her friends, then at Winnie, "always."

The teenagers waved goodbye before holding hands and walking through the portal.

Billy stumbled to his feet, "I wish to return to my slumber. Goodbye all. It was lovely to see you all again." He turned to Winifred, "not you."

Turning to Gilbert, Billy smiled, "goodbye, friend." He held out his hand and Gilbert shook it.

"Bye, buddy." He paused, "I'll come with you."

Gilbert grinned at Max, Allison, Dani and Thackery, "you're all great people... and cats. It was nice to meet you."

"And you," Max nodded contently in return.

Billy stepped towards Sarah and smiled warmly, "goodbye, Sarah."

"Bye, Billy," she beamed. "Have a good slumber."

Billy nodded and stood beside Gilbert. They both took a deep breath as they stepped through the portal.

Winifred turned to Max, "'tis time for you and thy friends to leave."

"I think you're right," he replied begrudgingly.

Thackery smiled at his friends, "It has been wonderful to see you all again. I have missed you all terribly. I wish we could have caught up, but I suppose we don't have much time for that now."

Dani smiled sadly, "I will miss you."

"Remember, I am always with you." Binx said with sincerity. "And I will see you again one day, I'm sure of it."

Max and Allison beamed at Binx. He smiled in return, "don't get in any trouble."

"Me?" Max scoffed. "Never."

Allison chuckled, "we love you, Binx."

Thackery smiled, "I love you all too."

The four friends walked towards the portal, but paused as they passed the Sanderson sisters.

"Say hello to thy sister from me," Winifred said bitterly.

"Shove off, Winnie." Dani fired back.

Thackery sighed and walked through the portal with his friends beside him.

The Sanderson sisters were alone in the empty theatre.

"I suppose it is our turn now?" Sarah noted with a heavy sigh. "I will miss thee, my sisters."

Winifred frowned, "I..." she cleared her throat, "I am sorry, Sarah, Mary. I have caused thee much trouble and I apologise."

"Winnie, don't," Mary scolded, taking both of her sisters by their hands. She looked at Sarah and Winifred sadly, "I love thee."

"We will cause mischief again, sisters. I am sure of it," Sarah beamed.

Winifred chuckled, wiping away a small tear that had fallen. "I believe thee, Sarah."

They bowed their heads and spun slowly in a circle, performing their final calming circle.

"My lucky rat's tail!" Sarah said.

"My broomies!" Mary smiled at the thought of her Roomba vacuums.

Winifred paused, causing Mary and Sarah to open their eyes and look at her. Winnie smiled softly, "my sisters."

They all shared a sad smile before they marched towards the portal.

All together, they stepped through the gate and disappeared for good.

The end...

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading this story and for voting and commenting. It means a lot <3

I hope you enjoyed this book!

Have a good spooky season 👻🍂

Bye! :)

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