Chapter 9 bloody history

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After the visitation and talking to pogo about the new information they received, they got done with Fives tattoo and decided to head back to the hotel. While Five got on the bike he lifted his head forward, saw Luna running giving pogo a hug before leaving. Right before she was about to leave pogo stopped her for a second.

" pogo?"

" please be careful, Luna. I know he was planning on this project for a long time. " pogo advices her, making Luna smiled.

" I know pogo, I will. "

He nods then glanced to Five then to her. " make sure talk to him. I can see he's worried about you. " Luna eyed him, knowing what he meant then she hummed going towards Five.

She got on the seat holding onto his waist then he started to drive. While driving Five decided to stop by for a lil bit making sure not only Luna is okay but he is curious to one thing. Five stopped at a resting stop, turn off the engine then got off.

Luna took noticed of this as she got off of the bike. The weather is nice with a cool breeze pushing Fives hair back while he is staring at the view in front of him of the city landscaped, even Luna could feel the cool breeze, pushing her hair while looking at him.

" Five?"

" Luna, can ask you something. It's been bugging me for a while now. " she hummed by his tone of questioned. He turned around to face her, " ever since the hotel, the commission and at pogos. "

" what is you want to know about?" Luna asked feeling anxious.

Five stared at her in the eyes. Trying to find what's about her. " what did pogo mean, about don't let your past what define you today?" Luna inhale sharply don't want her to answer what pogo meant by that. She look to the ground away from Five as he is still staring at her.

" I... I can't tell you. " she spoke with a fighting back tone.

Five scoffs, " why? Because I will judge you. Luna I will not judge you, I'm just curious because you didn't tell us or me why you are still stuck in you teenage body."

" because I can't, what it... It haunts me everyday!"

" who you trying to hide?!"

Luna stayed silent, " no one!"

"Who Luna?!" Five shouted at her as he is trying to protect her.

Falling for a Sparrow // Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now