Chapter 7 "we are not a couple!!"

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After the fight in the hotel obsidian they release sloane to the sparrows and protect Harlan. Luther went to go the rooms to look for viktor but he saw him especially saw the cut on his check. Then couple of the siblings showed up.

Allison went up to the sides of viktor hearing the commotion. " what's going on?"

" oh, my god. He got you too?" Luther said with shocked gasped referring to Allison.

" you okay?" Allison points to viktors cheek.

" great. You?"

" never better. " Allison reply briefly.

Diego signals Luther showing his neck then to Allison, but Luther made the connection between them both. Then everyone hears a loud zapping sounds, making something or someone dropped from the sky.

All of the Hargreeves siblings stand back gasped by the sudden appearance in front of them. Then they all hearing the people dropped and groaning from the pain. They walked closely to look and saw it was Five Luna and Lila as they just stared at the three.

" shit. " Five groan in pain by the jumped. Luna was on top of him groaning in pain. As Lila was on the ground landed on wood. While Lila was struggling to get up from the ground, and everyone else was busy staring at them.

Five blinked his eyes couple times realized he was holding something soft. Till he realized he was holding Luna. His arms wrapped around her waist from protection of the fall. Luna open her eyes seeing she was ontop of him. Both of their faces close together only couple meters away.

' shit! Too close..' Both said to each other in their thoughts. She got off of him, trying to get up but Five helped her up at the process.

Viktor spoke shocked by what just happened. " where have you been?"

" facing my mortality, viktor. I don't recommend it. " Five said feeling tired but still struggling to get up. Allison yelling at Five seeing the briefcase. Luna stared at her then to the item.

" you had the briefcase? We've been looking for this!" Allison points at the team, grabbing it but seeing it was smoking.

" well, look no further. That's the last on on earth." Five respond to her, both seeing it was damaged and smoke coming out. Luna eyes widened by the aftermath of the case. " or was the last one. "

Allison tossed the case not only feeling irritated but scoffs by her brothers comment. Then she went to the staircases to sit. Viktor saw the case then realized what Five is doing and what Harlan told him. Five went to the briefcase checking it and nod his head.

" shit. That's not good. " Luna mumbled.

" yeah, that's toast. " Five spoke, checking it. " oh shit. All right. "

Falling for a Sparrow // Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now