Chapter 13 I do and more than friends

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About an hour later everyone got ready for the weeding, exiting the elevators entering a room with bunch of tables and food and everything. Everyone looked around the room noticed it was pretty big. Klaus spoke, entering the room with others.

" not sure this place is gonna be big enough. " klaus spoke looking at the room.

" this better be an open bar. " Allison bluntly said out loud as she continued to walk.

" hey, come on. It's for Luther. Let's perk up. " Lila encourage everyone lighten the mood. Till she saw the view in front of her. " wow. "

Everyone is waiting for the bride to show even Luther, Five looked around the room noticed the items and the room all around, putting his hands in his pockets looking for Luna. Then he guess, ' Luna is not here yet.'

Everyone waiting till they heard the elevator opened. " I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good. " Luther said to viktor. While they are exiting.

" ah, I see you've got a for the oversized button down. Original. " Allison said to viktor looking at his attire. Leaning against the table.

" you do realize there's no paparazzi here right? " viktor spat back.

" what? Dang it. " Allison spat back in a fake disappointment. Till Luther stepped in breaking the fight between. Telling them to stopped the fighting and telling them both that it's his day. Both of the siblings rolled their eyes by his lecture and agreed to cool it by a day or Allison will try. Everyone heard the three trio arguing. Then they heard a elevator door open again.

Everyone looked at the two people coming, in awe. Klaus noticed one person eyes widen then nudged towards Five. " what?" Klaus points to the front Five turned his head to his direction as he sigh. He then saw Luna and sloane the bride who carefully watched her fabric not getting tugged.

But Five noticed Luna as his eyes widen by her attire. Who was wearing a grey and black silver dress with a spaghetti strap with a opened back, along with a slit a strap heel. Luna's hair was curled with a hair strain pinned. He felt his heart stopped for a moment or time has stopped.

She noticed that Five was staring at her then formed a lil smile. Both of them been staring at each other for a minute till Ben spoke.

" let's get this over with before I die if cringe. " Ben

" but if you promise to behave Benny. " Luna

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