Chapter 6 Full truth, nothing but the truth

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Suddenly, the door open both girls seeing Five came out of the room for couple minutes, Luna could feel his aura and she's not liking it. Sensing sorrow coming around him. Five let out a sigh glance to Luna.

" I need to talk you. In private. "

She was about to respond till he went to her side grabbing her wrist, walking to the operation bunker room. Five closed it, leaving Lila outside. Even ignoring the corpse in the room. Luna could feel his grip tighten more trying to get out of his grasped.

When they feel comfortable or somewhat calm to the room where it's more private to Fives perfection, he glance around seeing his older self in the room. He looked away feeling he was a wrecked. Even fixing his hair with his finger through it frustrating. Luna aggressively got out of his grasp staring at him, she try not to glance at the corpse in the room but to the boy in front of her.

She can see he is a wreck, " what the hell? What was that about about Five?"

" Let me see.." He clapped two of his hands together feeling somewhat mad, tighten his jaw, " about an hour ago I just witnessed my 100-year-old-self died on a tube machine trying to tell me to, " avoid saving the world", as we just figured out me and my family created a Kugelblitz by entering this alternate timeline. "

" okay, how is this particular to me?" Luna said to him in a confused tone but with irritation. At the same time feels bad for Five as he just witnessed his other self died on the bed.

" before he could finish telling me, he mentions your name at the end. Before he died he was about to finish but his heart stops beating. " Five inhale his breathe, staring at Luna who was stunned by what he said to her. " now, Luna. I'll ask you once more, so before you answer I want you to be honest with me. What's your deal to this?"

Luna was still shocked by what Five said. But then pissed that he may be considering accusing her. Five kept staring at her trying to read her emotions but couldn't. ' I really hope letting her joining us was a bad idea. I hope not. '

Luna glance at the machine where it's at the middle of the room then to Five. Who was still staring at her waiting for answers.

" whatever you think it is I'm doing. I'm telling you the full truth! Why would I lie to you and your family?" Luna told him. Feeling hurt what he is trying to tell her.

Five shoved his hands to his pants pocket, " because it seems to real that you, our enemy, who so happens to waltz to our hideout and offer to help us. " he made lil gestures with his fingers as he exclaimed to Luna. " what is are you really hiding?"

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