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Makoto woke up to the smell of coffee and an empty space beside her.

Akira must have went home.

The thought filled her with a certain emptiness but she supposed it was for the best. He definitely did not need to be here when her sister got home. Pulling herself out of bed was the last thing she wanted to do after her fitful sleep last night. She'd barely gotten an hour or two of rest because of a certain fluffy haired boy. Usually not one for coffee, today was clearly going to be an exception. It was weird for Sae to make some in the first place. However, it wasn't her sister in the kitchen.

"Akira? What are you doing here?"

Glancing up, he flashed her a sleepy smile. He still hadn't changed out of her dad's clothes. Pointing to the coffeemaker he said, "Figured you'd need some after last night. I promise I'll get out of your hair soon."

She snorted and shook her head. "Nonsense. It's actually quite nice getting to wake up and see your face."

The pleased look on his face confused her until she realized what she'd said. She slapped a hand over her mouth. "Please ignore that embarrassing comment. My brain must still be delirious from lack of a proper rest."

He smiled and to her surprise, refrained from saying anything.

"What? No witty retort?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but my wit doesn't awaken until at least noon. Come here and tell me how you take your coffee."

She did as she was told and was about to tell him she took it with sugar when he pulled her in for an impromptu kiss. Her mind short circuited but the rest of her awakened in response to his touch. It was over before she could process it.

"W-what was that for?" She touched her lips as if she could physically feel the residue of the kiss.

"Do I need a reason?"

"Yes," she stammered.

Somehow he calmly went back to preparing her beverage. "Because I like to. Is that good enough?"

"Aren't you worried about morning breath? I haven't even gotten a chance to brush my teeth yet."

He laughed. "That's such a Makoto thing to say. Leave it to you to worry about something as silly as that." She was about to protest that she wasn't being silly and it was something that any girl would worry about when he placed a warm cup of coffee in her heads. "Here, drink this and stop fretting. There's nothing about you that's disgusting to me."

"I--," she chuckled. "And that's such an Akira thing to say. Leave it to you to say something so corny this early in the day."

He filled his own cup and poured an exorbitant amount of whip cream on top. "Give it time. I'm sure I can come up with more." Swiping a dollop of cream off the top, Akira pressed it to her nose, grinning from ear to ear.

Makoto couldn't have tamed the smile growing on her face even if she tried. It all seemed so disgustingly domestic. And if the joy blossoming in her chest was any indication, she wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning for the rest of her life.

Woah, slow down Makoto. He just made you coffee.

Clearing her throat, she sat down and gulped her drink. Maybe the bitterness would bring her back down to reality. "Will Sojiro be upset that you stayed out all night?"

"I texted him a message explaining where I was but he only sent back a terse reply to not do anything he would've done at my age."

She sighed. "Boss has an overactive imagination. I don't know how I'm going to face him next time I come to Leblanc."

Persona 5: The Delinquent and his lover: Full EditionWhere stories live. Discover now