The Trickster's Way

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Akira climbed the stairs to the attic slowly. His body aching for rest and sleep. He wanted nothing but to lay down on his bed next to his cat but he knew he couldn't do that. His day was not over yet. He walked to his desk, searched for a sheet of paper, and began to write.

Now, how should I start this? Dear Makoto? No, too straightforward. My dear? No, what am I, british? Uhmm...

Anyone could understand Akira's apprehension when he read Sae's text. The threat of going back to juvie or worse, the order to keep away from the girl he had started to have such powerful feelings, the risk of permanently losing what little hope he had of a decent future. However it was not any of those reasons that were on Akira's mind for most of the day. What had convinced him to take the risk of sneaking into the student council room, to befriend Haru Okumura so she could help him keep an eye on Makoto and to start writing a letter even when he could barely keep his eyes open was, to him, much more serious. Much more urgent.

Tsukasa's party was just twelve days away.

He had gotten to know Makoto quite well since they met and he knew that, no matter the circumstances, She wouldn't miss the opportunity to gather evidence against Tsukasa, not when Eiko's safety was on the line. He also knew that with the newfound threat to Akira's future from her suddenly overprotective sister, Makoto would try to protect him too. That left his girlfriend with only one choice, to try to resolve the issue with Tsukasa by herself.

And so a plan was born. Akira would try to distract Makoto with the letters, while watching over her through her responses and through the help of their friends and the key acquaintances he'd made in Shinjuku. Then, if something seemed out of place, he could take action, talking directly to Makoto, threats be damned , or if he had to, going directly to Sae and telling her the whole story. He was sure Makoto would be very angry if it came to that, but Chihaya's words echoed strongly in his head

"This girl will bring a great deal of danger upon herself at some point. It's up to you whether or not she will succumb to it or not."

Well, if it's up to me then I'm going to keep you safe, Makoto. Whatever it takes.

His cat had been meowing insistently while he thought, seemingly demanding Akira to go to bed.

"Not now Mona! This is important!" Said and irritated Akira. The cat meowed angrily one last time, hopped down from the bed and pompously went down to the Cafe, all while staring daggers at Akira.

Well, excuse me your majesty...

Then he knew.

My Queen.

And he started writing.


Makoto had gotten to Shujin early. She'd slept well and felt rested, even after her talk with Sae went well into the night. She'd been smiling since her encounter with her... boyfriend yesterday and after that and all the nice things her sister had said to her, Makoto couldn't think of a thing that would make her stop smiling. She remember what Akira had told her yesterday

"I guess I'm a pretty lucky guy..."

Ummm, I guess I'm a pretty lucky girl too...

As she sat down on her desk at class she noticed a small envelope tucked away in the space below. Only one word was written on it.


She hastily opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside.

She hastily opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside

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