First Meeting

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A long time ago, an eight year old Mirana was playing with her doll in the throne room by herself; ever since her older sister's, she now spent her days alone... and she didn't like playing alone, not at all.

"You still love me, don't you Miss Whimsy?" She asked as she made the doll's head nod at her, but it didn't help.

The princess was still as lonely as a little girl could be; she gently laid her doll in her lap and looked down at it solemnly.

"I don't want to be alone anymore. I wish I had someone new to play with..." She sighed before she heard the throne room doors open behind her.

Mirana looked and met the gaze of a man and a woman; she silently gasped and quickly ran behind her mother's throne for safety before peeking her head out to get a seemingly better look at the odd pair. These strangers were both wearing all sorts of pins, needles, spools of thread, and ribbons of all colors attached to their brightly colored clothes. Mirana watched as the couple looked around the room curiously; soon, she saw her mother enter the room and the Queen politely greeted them. The couple parted and from behind them, stepped out a young boy. He had wild ginger red locks, green eyes, and fair skin; he must have been about Mirana's age.

The woman with curled amber red hair and leaf green eyes gently put her hand on the boy's shoulder and said to the Queen, "Your Majesty, allow us to introduce our son, Tarrant."

"I am very pleased to meet you, Tarrant." The Queen said, smiling kindly.

The boy smiled sheepishly and bowed his head in response. Queen Elsemere then turned her head around to look back at Mirana.

"Mirana? Could you come here for a moment, please? Here are some people I'd like you to meet." She said.

Mirana nervously muttered in a soft voice 'yes, mother' before she cautiously walked over to the group and stood right behind her mother, still looking at the boy; she timidly smiled and waved at him before he waved and smiled back at her.

"Mirana, this is Zanik and Tyva Hightopp; they're the official royal hatters." The Queen explained to her daughter.

"Good day." Mirana said as she gave the couple a polite curtsy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." Zanik said, bowing his head to the young Princess.

"Yes, Princess; it's an honor." Tyva added, curtsying in the same manner.

"And this is Tarrant, their son and apprentice." The Queen said, referring to the young boy.

"Hello." Mirana said, giving the boy a smile.

"Hello, Your Highness." Tarrant said, giving a small polite bow to the girl before him.

"Hmm, I have an idea. Your Majesty? Why don't we let these two run along and go play in the courtyard? For them to get to know one another?" Mrs. Hightopp suggested.

'Did she just say play?' Mirana thought.

"I suppose... Alright. And perhaps you could show Tarrant around the castle gardens, Mirana." The Queen added.

"Oh! Yes, mother." The young Princess said before she gestured Tarrant to follow her outside.

"Forgive me for saying this, Your Majesty, but was that really wise?" Zanik asked, eying the children curiously.

"Why would you ask something like that, Mr. Hightopp?" The Queen asked. "Your son is just going to play with my daughter."

"Yes Zanik, what could go wrong?" Mrs. Hightopp added, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.

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