The Masquerade on Mewni Day

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As time went on, Tarrant and Mirana had started to grow rather distant as they grew up. They hardly saw each other anymore because of the new grown up obligations they earned; Mirana with her recent royal duties and Tarrant with his new hatter responsibilities. They missed each other and for a long time, they wanted to spend more time together just like they used to, but they had no idea how to go around it.

But soon, there was a golden opportunity for them to get together again... and it involved dressing up and dancing.

Every year, a grand masquerade ball was held at the castle and it was known as the biggest event in all of Underland. Since it was her favorite event as well as the main highlight of the year, Mirana had planned on secretly inviting Tarrant to the ball. She ordered for an extra invitation to be made and two nights just before the masquerade, she secretly and quietly set out to the Hightopp residence in the village to give the invitation to Tarrant herself.

'I hope I do not fail. Tarrant needs to get this message.' Mirana thought to herself.

When she made it to his house, she already knew that all of the Hightopps, including Tarrant, must've all been asleep by now. After climbing off of her horse, she walked up to the house, picked up a small handful of pebbles from the gravel road, and one at a time, she carefully threw them at the window leading to Tarrant's bedroom to get his attention.

'Please wake up.' She thought.

Just as he was in the middle of a marvelous dream, Tarrant had heard an annoying tapping on his window; he let out a groggy and frustrated moan as he covered his head with a pillow.

"Ugh! Chessur, is that you out there?" He grumbled, half asleep. "As sad as it sounds, I don't have time for games..."

There was still more tapping.

"You're still at it?" Tarrant asked. "Ugh, whatever it is you want, can it not wait until tomorrow? I was in the middle of a most wonderful dream. Can you not—"

When Tarrant sluggishly removed the pillow from his face and looked over at his window, he was surprised not to see a floating cat giving him a wide, toothy grin. He yawned, begrudgingly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, stretched a bit, climbed out of bed, walked over to the window, opened it, and looked to see Mirana standing underneath; his eyes widened when he saw her.

"Mirana, is that you?" He asked her rather loudly.

Quickly, Mirana put her finger to her lips and gestured Tarrant come outside. He had no idea what she wanted this late at night but he was glad to see his friend again, so without saying a word, he carefully climbed out of the window and onto the street to greet her.

"Good evening, Tarrant." Mirana greeted casually.

"Mirana! It's always so good to see you, my dear, but what are you doing here... in the middle of the night?" Tarrant asked.

"I do apologize for that, but the reason I've come so late is because I've brought something for you." She replied, opening her satchel and reaching inside it.

"Oh? Can it not wait?"

"No, it cannot wait. In fact, it's very important that I give this to you right now."

Mirana took out the scroll out of the saddlebag and put it into Tarrant's open hand. He looked at it curiously, unsure of what it was. He looked at her and raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Read it and find out." Mirana answered.

Tarrant nodded his head before he opened the scroll and began to read. His eyes widened with a mix of shock, surprise, and excitement as he read the message to himself; he realized that he was being personally invited to the annual Masquerade Ball... by the Princess herself. This has never happened before; he had always wanted to go to the ball but was never able to, and now, he could go. He looked back at Mirana with a surprised look in his eyes.

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