New Addition to the Family

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As the years went by, Zavior had grown up to be a charming, lovable young boy. He was curious, kind, inquisitive, creative, and a bit mad just like his father. He always loved playing card games with his aunt Iracebeth, having tea parties with his uncles Chessur and Thackery and aunt Mally, and running around in the castle gardens with the Tweedles... who were more like childish cousins than uncles to him, really. When he was at a young age, Zavior was taught how to make beautiful hats by Tarrant with the assistance of Zanik while Mirana taught her son how to brew pishalvers and create new potions.

Zavior found himself being raised by all of these creatures and people alike; he was proud to be called a royal Hightopp.

One day while he was in the castle gardens playing hide and seek with the Tweedles, a nine year old Zavior was called to the throne room by his mother and father. He was confused, but he didn't want to get into any trouble so he decided to go see what his parents wanted. When he entered the throne room, Zavior was surprised to see his mother and father in tears. He gasped as he ran over to them in shock.

"Mother, Father! What's wrong?" He asked urgently. "What happened? Have I upset you?"

Mirana and Tarrant turned their heads to face their son, grins adorning their faces.

"No, Zavior my boy; nothing is wrong. Your mother and I are just very, very happy." Tarrant said.

"Happy? About what?" The young prince asked in fear and confusion.

"Zavior... we have something very important to tell you." Mirana cried.

"W-w-w-what is it?" He asked, his brown eyes widening.

"Son... we're having another baby." Tarrant admitted.

Zavior was shocked once he heard this; his eyes widened as he slowly looked up at his parents.

"Really?" He asked, making sure he heard that sentence right.

They nodded, still smiling. In response, Zavior jumped to his feet and he began to cheer, laugh, and dance around the room in a fit of joy. The couple smiled.

The next few months were extremely busy for everyone. While Mirana and Tarrant set up a new bedroom for the soon to be newcomer, Zavior spent his most of his days working hard and learning how to fight from the Captain of the Royal Guard; he wanted to protect his little sibling in any way possible... even if it meant getting mean or learning to fight. Nevertheless, he was very excited for the baby to be born and he often asked his mother when it would be coming; she usually said soon.

As the final month came along, Zavior was more excited than ever; he was now even more than sure his new sibling was going to come any day... or minute and soon enough, his patience was rewarded... at a rather unusual time. While Zavior was in the castle gardens with his mother and aunt, Mirana suddenly felt a sharp pain in her belly. She clutched her abdomen with her hand before falling onto the ground on her knees and letting out a cry in pain.

"Mirana?!" Iracebeth cried in concern, coming to her sister's aid.

"Mother! What's the matter?" Zavior exclaimed in fear.

"The baby!" Mirana wheezed. "I think... I think it's coming! NOW!"

"What?!" Iracebeth shrieked. "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!"

"The baby?!" Zavior yelled in shock.

"Guards!" Mirana screamed as two guards came running towards the group. "Help me, please!"

"Do as she says, you fools! Her baby is coming NOW!" Iracebeth worriedly demanded.

"As you wish." The guards said picking up Mirana and running inside.

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