The Toomalie and Horunvendush Days

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It was a rather long year since that wonderful Masquerade ball; ever since he left that night, Mirana and Tarrant missed each other all over again. But there was another special occasion coming up, it was Iracebeth and Mirana's official crowning ceremony on Toomalie Day. Mirana thought that right after everything was done and over with, she could finally spend some time with Tarrant just like they did at the ball. But little did either of them know that the coronation would all go horribly wrong before anyone knew it.

As the coronation was about to begin, Mirana and Iracebeth entered the throne room, both wearing exquisite and beautiful dresses specifically designed for each of them. They sat down in front of their parents and looked out at the crowds in front of them. Mirana looked to her right to see Tarrant quietly and quickly making his way up to his family; she gave him a tiny smile and waved at him, he smiled and waved back. They were quickly silenced soon after; Mirana was shushed by her sister while Tarrant was told to stay quiet by his father.

When it was time to bestow the tiaras, Mirana quietly asked her parents if someone else could bestow her tiara instead of Zanik Hightopp. They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulder in confusion.

Then King Oleron slowly rose from his throne and said to the people and creatures in the crowd, "People of Witzend, by request of the Princess Mirana, Tarrant Hightopp will present the ceremonial tiara to Her Highness."

'Me?!' Tarrant exclaimed in his head.

The other Hightopps were shocked to hear this, but Tarrant was pleasantly surprised. He made his way in front of the King and Queen and bowed his head towards them.

"Young Mr. Hightopp? Would you do the honors?" The Queen asked.

"Of course, Your Majesties. It would be my honor." Tarrant said politely before making his way to the velvet lined hatbox his father was holding up for him.

Zanik opened the hatbox and Tarrant carefully took out a stunning silver tiara studded with equally beautiful purple gemstones; he made his way behind Mirana and carefully placed the crown onto her head. He bowed to the King and Queen before walking back over to his family as the audience applauded. Mirana winked and smiled at Tarrant, he quickly did the same to her.

Then it was Iracebeth's turn to receive her tiara. Zanik took out the crown and went over to the eldest Princess but after a short while, Iracebeth was starting to grow impatient with the elder Hightopp who was struggling to put her crown on her enormous head. For some strange reason, it wouldn't go on. Mirana heard Tarrant desperately stifling his laughter; he was trying his very hardest not to laugh at her sister. She slowly turned her head to look at him and she put a finger to her lips to politely shush him, he nodded and obeyed. After a few more seconds, Iracebeth's crown finally snapped into pieces and bits of metal and gems were scattered all over the floor.

Everyone gasped in shock and after a second or two of silence, Tarrant suddenly burst out laughing which caused everyone else who was in the throne room to laugh as well, except for the King, the Queen, and Mirana.

"Silence!" Iracebeth screamed as she abruptly stood from her chair.

The room suddenly went quiet as everyone stopped laughing, as did Tarrant.

"The next person who laughs will never laugh again!" She declared.

Soon, Iracebeth was having a bit of a tantrum, yelling at people to stop talking and laughing at her. That was until everything went quiet again by the stern voice of King Oleron.

"Iracebeth, enough!" The King shouted, standing up from his throne.

He let out a disappointed sigh as he looked at his eldest daughter. "Iracebeth, I had always hoped you would show the necessary qualities to become the queen. But now I realize that day will never come."

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