The Royal Wedding

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After several months of very hard work and equally careful planning, it was almost time for the royal wedding; Tarrant and Mirana were as excited as could be as well as all of their friends and families... and the rest of the kingdom. Absolem himself was even sent to the aboveland to deliver a personal invitation to Alice Kingsleigh who had already returned from an ocean voyage with her mother.

It was the day of the wedding, a beautiful perfect Whizziline Day, and all of Underland was buzzing about, making sure every little thing was perfect. Everyone who was anyone was invited to attend, even Underland's greatest hero herself, Alice. Though it had occurred once long ago, this was certain to be a once in a lifetime event. After all, when is the next time someone of royalty would get married?

That afternoon, Tarrant was in his bedroom, getting himself ready for the ceremony with his father, Chessur, and Thackery helping him with his suit.

"Oh! I can't believe it, I just don't believe it." Zanik exclaimed proudly, carefully wiping any dust from Tarrant's shoulder. "In a matter of minutes, my son is going to become King!"

"I don't believe it either, Zanik." Chessur chimed in, adjusting the ribbon on Tarrant's new hat. "Tarrant, I knew you had feelings for Her Majesty; but now I understand exactly how strong these feelings actually are."

"I can hardly believe it myself, Chess. But here we are." Tarrant commented as he carefully adjusted his tie and a certain pin on his coat.

He was wearing a newly tailored garnet red suit with a matching top hat with a royal blue ribbon, a bright purple cravat tied around his heck, perfectly shined black shoes were on his feet, and his lucky butterfly pin was pinned onto his coat right over his heart. He stood tall and proud in front of the looking glass before him; he had never felt this confident in himself before.

"I remember the day Mirana and I first met; it feels as though it was only yesterday." He sighed in a dreamy tone. "And now look at us, about to marry and become King and Queen... And honestly, I'm beginning to feel rather nervous."

Tarrant looked back at his reflection in the mirror, he now felt as if there were a million tiny butterflies swarming around in his stomach that were ready to burst out of him at any given moment. Then he felt his father's hand rest on his shoulder.

"It's alright, Tarrant." Zanik calmly assured his son. "Everybody feels nervous on their wedding day. I was just as scared as you on the day I married your mother. Trust me; after this, everything shall fall into place."

"You... truly think so?" Tarrant asked.

"I know so." Zanik replied with a smile and a nod.

"And I'm sure Her Majesty is feeling just as frightened as you are." Thackery added, making sure Tarrant's shoes were perfectly cleaned and shined.

'Not too frightened, I hope...' Tarrant thought, looking back at the mirror.

Meanwhile at the palace, a large assembly of maids was helping Mirana into her wedding gown and Iracebeth and Mallymkun were trying to find the right accessories to go along with it.

"Oh, I just can't believe it!" Iracebeth beamed as she sorted through many pairs of gloves. "My little sister, about to be married to a Hightopp!"

"I hardly believe it either, Racie. But here we are." Mirana said as she looked at her reflection and smiled. "And you should know that I'm proud that I am about to be called a Hightopp soon."

"Well that's just great, Your Majesty. And between you and me, I think any lady would die to be in your shoes today." Mally commented, gently brushing a comb through the Queen's hair. "You are one lucky girl."

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