An Unexpected Surprise

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After the honeymoon, the couple was welcomed back with open arms. A few months of ruling Underland with her new husband and King had passed and Mirana couldn't be any happier, but she started to feel rather strange lately.

She would often feel a bit of fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and strong pains in her stomach; these pains and icky feelings would be so strong that Mirana would even refuse to eat at times. This behavior went on for a few weeks and soon, Tarrant had become rather concerned for his wife and he began to worry that she might be growing ill.

Early one morning right before the sun rose above the horizon, Mirana suddenly woke up feeling even worse than she had in the past several days. As she sat up in bed, her stomach lurched and a wave of nausea suddenly overtook her; she wrapped her arms around her middle and quietly groaned, feeling even dizzier and more nauseas than before. She quietly climbed out of bed and headed towards the powder room and the moment she shut the door behind her, she started to gag; she gripped her stomach and covered her mouth with her other hand.

Tarrant's eyes suddenly opened when he felt the bed space right beside him; it was bare of his wife's presence for some odd reason. He sat up, yawned, stretched, and looked around the room to see the door to the powder room closed; he also heard a strange noise coming from it, it sounded like someone was haggardly coughing.

'How curious...' Tarrant thought, climbing out of bed and quietly making his way over to the door.

"Mirana? Is that you? Are you alright in there, my dear?" He called as he gently knocked on the wood of the door; there was no answer.

He knocked on the door again, this time a bit louder, but still no voice had come through. Then Tarrant slowly opened the door and he froze at what he saw; there, he saw his beloved Queen violently throwing up into the chamber pot in the corner of the small room.

After a minute or two, Mirana's stomach was beginning to ache from the force of her vomiting; she gasped and breathed heavily as it finally stopped. She slumped up against the wall behind her and turned her head to see her husband; her eyes were full of pain, shock, and worry and her arms wrapped around her sore belly. After that, Tarrant decided that he finally had enough. He told himself that he wasn't going to sit idly by and watch his darling wife get sicker and sicker by the day; he was going to get to the bottom of this whole thing once and for all.

Tarrant immediately called for the royal doctor to give Mirana a proper examination later that day... as well as a housekeeper or two to clean up the mess she had just made. At first Mirana calmly refused and claimed that it was probably just a cold or even a stomach bug, but Tarrant was stubborn. He insisted that the doctor at least give her one small checkup; he thought this could even be something serious and must be treated at once. Soon, knowing how her husband can get when he's very worried or upset, Mirana consented and agreed to see the doctor. Later that afternoon, the Queen told the doctor her symptoms which included dizziness, fatigue, morning sickness, and lightheadedness. After a quick checkup, the doctor had told Mirana what he just found out about her and what he said gave the White Queen the shock of her life.

That night, Mirana sat on the edge of the bed in a clean nightgown while looking at the floor with tears in her dark eyes, one arm wrapped around her stomach and her free hand covering her mouth. The moment he entered the room, Tarrant heard her quiet sobs and he quickly ran over to her to see what was wrong; he got down on his knees and looked up at her.

"Mirana! My darling, whatever is the matter? Why are you crying?" He asked, gently wiping a few tears from her cheek with a handkerchief.

"Oh, Tarrant..." She replied softly. "It... it's nothing."

"Really? Now I know that is a lie. What's wrong, my sweet?"

"I said it's nothing. I promise."

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