The Confession

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After the events of Alice Kingsleigh slaying the Jabberwocky and saving Underland from a horrible time curse, everything was finally back to normal... well, as normal as Underland usually gets. Tarrant was reunited with his family, Mirana reconciled with her sister, and Alice saved the day... as usual. When Alice decided to go back to her home, Tarrant was greatly saddened, but he knew they would meet again... in her dreams.

After Alice had said her goodbyes and vanished through the Looking Glass to return to her world, Mirana calmly walked up behind Tarrant and put a gentle hand on his shoulder; he turned around to meet her gaze and he sadly smiled at her.

"I shall miss her too." She said.

"As will we all." Bayard added.

The Tweedles, Mally, Thackery, McTwisp, and Chessur as well as the other Hightopps all sadly smiled and nodded their heads in agreement while Iracebeth smirked and shrugged her shoulders. Tarrant looked at Mirana and she gave him a kind smile. Before they knew it, they both wrapped their arms around each other in a comforting hug.

Mally, Thackery, McTwisp, Chessur, Bayard, and the Tweedles smiled at the two, Iracebeth looked at them with wide eyes, and Zanik and Tyva stared in surprise as they watched their son hugging Her Majesty tight. Neither Mirana nor Tarrant seemed to notice everyone's expressions.

"Your family has returned to you..." Mirana whispered in Tarrant's ear.

"...And your sister has forgiven you." Tarrant whispered back. "Looks like we both got what we wanted from both of our families, hmm?"

"Yes, we did."


One cold winter's day, a ball was going to be held and someone by the name of Lord Adonyte had been asked to attend. Mirana had no idea who this lord was, but she decided to give him a chance... but then she thought of Tarrant. What would happen if they met face to face?

On the night of the ball, Mirana was in her bed chamber speaking with Iracebeth who thought the choice her little sister just made was an insane idea.

"Mirana, you can't possibly be serious about this!" Iracebeth exclaimed.

"I am very so, sister." Mirana responded.

"But... but he's mad! What kind of impression are you trying to make on Lord Adonyte?" Her sister protested.

Mirana sighed, walking out onto her balcony to look at the gardens beneath her and her beloved friend walking through them.

"Tarrant is a good and loyal friend; not only to me, but to all of Underland as well. I have already made up my mind; he will be attending the ball tonight."


"But nothing; my decision is final. Please tell everyone he shall be there." Mirana said, sounding slightly stern for her normal kind self.

Iracebeth sighed, nodded her large head in response, and hurried away, leaving her sister on the balcony by herself.

"Tarrant!" She called, waving her hand in the air.

The Hatter looked up and smiled as he saw his Queen standing upon her balcony and waving at him; he waved back at her.

"Come inside, quickly; you will catch cold!"

Tarrant nodded and walked inside. Mirana made her way out of her bedchamber and down to the castle entrance where Tarrant was just walking in, shivering slightly from being out in the cold for so long. Mirana gracefully glided over to him and cupped his cheek in her hand, feeling the coldness of his skin.

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