Part Two

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The grounds shook as Vhagar landed outside the Dragonpit, dismounting, you proudly stood petting her as she affectionally nudged you with her ginormous head. "Make sure that she is given an extra treat" you instruct the keeper as he stepped forward to unsaddle her. "She has been extremely well behaved today."

You place a kiss to Vhagar's cheek, and she lets out a pleased purr, "I shall see you tomorrow my sweet girl" you whisper to her in Valyrain.

With a broad smirk, you walk toward Ser Harrold as he awaited you at the entrance to the Dragonpit. "I shall never be able to understand how you have succeeded in turning that beast into a mere pup" he remarks with a head shake.

"We have a special bond" you reply with a toothy grin, offering then, "I could always take you for a ride upon her if you like..."

"That offer I shall graciously have to decline, your Highness" Ser Harrold quickly responds.

"Do not tell me, that you are afraid, Ser Harrold...?" you chuckle at his remark.

"To be quite blunt..." he replies, "my ass was meant to remain on the solid grounds, your Highness. Not in the skies."

"As you wish, Ser Harrold..." you chuckle out loudly.

"Your horse and guards are awaiting you inside" Ser Harrold informs, handing over your helm. "Will Princess Rhaenyra be arriving back soon?"

"Of that, I am not sure" you reply, "you know how my sister gets when she is upon Syrax, she tends to lose track of time."

"When she does return, tell her that I have gone to visit with mother" you instruct him.

"As you wish, your Highness."


Smiling proudly at your reflection in the mirror, you carefully arranged your damp shoulder length hair so as to dry in fashionable curls, while your handmaiden secured the black armour-plated corset over the red and gold toned dress you had chosen.

There was a knock at the door and your lady-in-waiting then enters your sleeping area. "Your Uncle has come to visit, your Highness."

"Send him in" you reply.

"Ah, there she is, our very own 'Rebel Princess'..." Daemon remarks upon entering, "ready for battle, as always."

"Uncle!" you cry out in excitement, rushing forward to hug Daemon and he wraps his arms around you with a loud chuckle.

"You are looking beautiful as always, Visenya..." Daemon comments, placing a kiss to your forehead.

"Thank you, Uncle, but we both know that it is Rhaenyra that is the beautiful one" you remark with a faint smile.

"Nonsense" Daemon responds, "you my dear, are equally as beautiful. You have blossomed into an exquisite young lady. Do you know how many men I have threatened after having heard the things they want to do to you?"

It was true that you were no longer, 'Princess Dumpy', you had lost the childhood chubbiness after years of combat training and swordplay. Yet you still were not petite as Rhaenyra was, your arms were more toned; due to the training, and you had far more curves than she. You were what was referred to as, voluptuous, a big bust, wide hips and bottom.

Truthfully though, you were no longer envious of your twin. You were quite happy with being your own individual person from her, even cutting your hair and styling it into curls as to no longer be identical in fascial features.

Even so, you still felt that Rhaenyra was far more beautiful than you, regardless of what people would tell you.

"If you insist, Uncle" you remark with a soft chuckle. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"I came to see how my beautiful niece was doing, and to give you the gift that I have brought for Rhaenyra and you" Daemon answers, pulling out a beautiful, jewelled necklace.

"It is quite lovely, Uncle..." you softly remarked as you eyed it carefully.

"Do not look so disappointed, Visenya..." Daemon snickers at your response. "I know that you are not one for such trinkets."

It was true, your jewellery consisted only of a ring with a black and red stone you wore on the index finger of your left hand, silver or gold crownlike headbands; with a single jewel that rested upon your hairline, and a gold necklace with a pendant of your family sigil.

"The necklace is for Rhaenyra" Daemon explains, "this is for you..."

In the palms of his hands rested a dagger sheathed in black steel. Taking it from him, a broad smile spreads across your face when unsheathing it.

"It is Valyrian steel" Daemon remarks, "I know how much you admire your father's. Now you have your own. I know you hate not being able to wear Dark Sister when having to act the proper lady, this should be able to compensate."

"Thank you, Uncle!" you cry out, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I shall name it, the Dragon's Eye."

"A befitting name..." Daemon chuckles. "We are doing a raid later tonight. Shall you be joining us?"

You would occasionally join your Uncle and the City Watch on their nightly patrols, Daemon had even given you a gold cloak of your own, unofficially making you a member of the City Watch. Your parents hated it, yet they knew you were strong-willed, and would do as you pleased, regardless of what you were told. Therefore, you were only allowed to go on patrol if Daemon was accompanying you.

"I do not know why you are even asking. You should know what my answer is."

"Ever the Warrior Princess..." Daemon chuckles, nudging your chin with a finger. "I shall see you later tonight then."


You quietly entered into your mother's chambers, taking position beside Alicent while you listened to the conversation between your mother and sister.

"You and your sister... will lie in this bed soon enough Rhaenyra" your mother remarks to your sister. "This discomfort is how we serve the realm."

"I would rather serve as a knight, and ride to battle and glory" Rhaenyra stoically responds. You mother chuckles at her remark.

"We have royal wombs, you, your sister and I. A childbed is our battlefield. We must learn to face it with a stiff lip..."

You could not help but feel guilt at the look of displeasure upon your sister's face by the remark. There had been a time where you had felt the same as she, you had learnt to accept your fate though; a husband and children was what your near future would be.

It was this realization that was the reason behind you living life to the fullest while you still had your freedom. Rhaenyra, on the other hand had a far more difficult life than you, being the eldest meant being confined to what was expected of her being the elder child of the King.

Sometimes you wondered if she resented you for the freedom you were allowed.

"Now, take a bath... you stink of dragon."

You could not stop yourself from giggling out loudly at your mother's comment.

"I do not know why you are laughing" Rhaenyra turns to scowled at you, "you probably stink too..."

"Ah... but there you are wrong, Dear sister" you respond with a toothy grin. "I was wise enough to bathe before coming here."

Rhaenyra sticks her tongue out at you in rebuttal, causing your mother to softly chuckle out. "How long have you been standing there, you little minx?"

"Long enough..." you respond, stepping forward to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Good, then you heard everything I said to your sister, for it applies to you too."

"Yes, Mother..." you mutter, standing next to Rhaenyra and placing a hand upon her shoulder, gently squeezing it in support.

His Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now