Part Four

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Warning: character death, angst


You entered the royal booth just as your father made the announcement of your mother having gone into labour. "Why was I not informed of it when I was with her?" you ask Ser Harrold.

"Because she knew you would refuse to leave her side" Ser Harrold remarks.

"I am returning back to the Keep." 

As you turn to make your leave, you were stopped by your father.

"Visenya! Finally, you grace us with your presence..." your father points for you to take a seat beside Rhaenyra.

Declining with a faint smile, you instead remain standing beside Ser Harrold. Concern for your mother making you too agitated to sit, you were waiting for the right opportunity to slip away in order to be by her side.

You were standing with amused satisfaction as your Uncle then unhorsed the Hand's son in the joust, softly snickering when seeing the look upon his face when Daemon then asks for Alicent's favour.

"Serves him right" you utter out softly and Ser Harrold looks down at you with a faint smirk.

Your amusement is soon cut short when noticing a maester entering, softly whispering something to the Hand. With furrow brows, you watch as Otto then turns to whisper something to your father.

Instantly you knew something was amiss when noticing the look of distress upon your father's face. Your thoughts were then proven correctly when he gets up from his seat and hastily exits the booth.

Instinctively knowing that it had something to do with your mother, you make your own exit in hast to return toward the Keep to find out what was happening.

Reaching your mother's chambers, you were stopped by Otto blocking the way. "Princess, this is not a place for you."

"I advise that you step aside, Ser" you hiss at him.

While arguing with Otto, you suddenly hear Grand Maester Mello's announcing of making an 'incision', thereafter the screams of your mother as she begged your father not to do what they were doing to her.

"Mother!" you cry out, but Otto blocks you from going to her.

"Step aside or I shall gut you where you stand...!" you warn him.

Otto gestures with his head, and suddenly you find yourself being restrained by two guards. Fighting them with all your might, you cry out for your mother while hearing her continuous screams of agony.

Managing to grab hold of The Dragon's Eye, you stab one of them in the leg, in a fit of shock the other one releases his hold on you at the exact moment that your mother's screams ceases, and the crying of a babe is then heard.

"What have you done?!" you screech out upon seeing your mother's lifeless body, lying in a pool of blood.

"Visenya..." your father murmurs, staring at you in surprise as you threw yourself upon the bed to grab hold of your mother's lifeless form.

"Mother, wake up...!" you cry out begging, while rocking back and forth with her held tightly in your arms. "Please, mother... open your eyes. Wake up..."

You sat in a near catatonic state, covered in your mother's blood. Vaguely hearing as the maester congratulated your father upon the babe being a son, and asking what name was chosen for him.

"I hope that you are finally happy now, your Grace" you address your father with a now stoic look upon your face. "You finally have the heir you so desperately wanted, and that at the cost of my mother's life."

Before your father could even utter a word to you in response, you gently laid your mother's body back upon the bed, and hastily flee the chambers.


You sat motionless upon Vhagar's back while watching the funeral proceedings from a safe distance away from the mourners. Not only had you lost your mother that day, but mere seconds after you had left the chambers, your little brother had ceased to breathe.

The Gods had truly dealt your father a heavy blow it seemed, the heir he had yearned for than anything, even to the brink of forfeiting the life of his own wife; had only taken a few breaths before joining his mother in death.

As much as you despise your father for what he done, your brother had been innocent in all of this. You loved your brother and had made a silent oath to your mother and yourself, that you would see to raising Baelon yourself. But the Gods had decided that it was not meant to be, now here you stood, mourning both your mother and he.

You watched as Rhaenyra stepped forward and turn to first look at your father, he heeds no attention to her, she then turns to look at you. The two of you silently stare at one another, Rhaenyra's eyes were filled with sorrow, while yours were void of emotion. With a silent nod from you, Rhaenyra turns to Syrax then, calling out the command to set the pyre alight.

Watching the bodies of your mother and brother burn sets off something in you. You could not remain here, could not stand to be around your father at this moment.

Taking one last look at your Sister as she was being comforted by your Uncle, you knew that she was in good hands. I'm sorry, Rhae... but I just cannot do this...

With that last thought in mind, you ordered Vhagar to take flight.

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