Part Three

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Warning: violence


The sound of loud pounding upon steel could be heard as Daemon and you walked up to the men of the City Watch standing ready for orders. "Commander and Princess on the floor!"

The ponding then ceases as Daemon, and you present yourself before them. "When I took command of the Watch, you were stray mongrels. Starving and undisciplined. Now... you are a pack of hounds. Sated, honed for the haunt."

The men then begin to howl out in excitement as you stood watching them with a smirk upon your face.

"My brother's city has fallen into squalor. Crime of every breed has been allowed to thrive. No longer... beginning tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the colour gold."

The men then all cheer as Daemon and you walk to lead them out into the streets.

You silently stood watch alongside Daemon as the Watch begins to round all the criminals up for punishment. Thieves lost a hand, rapers were castrated and then came the highest of offenders.

"There!" Daemon's second in command points out to a man being dragged before the two of you.

Daemon reaches for his sword, but suddenly pauses and turns toward you. "Mayhaps, you would love the honour of this one, Dear Niece?"

"Why thank you Uncle..." you darkly smirk at him as you unsheathe Dark Sister.

Two of the Watch's men forces the man onto his knees as you approach them. Raising your sword high into the air, you then come down with it, swiftly cutting the murder's head off in one swing.

"Is not she one to be proud of?" Daemon remarks, picking up the man's head from the floor and tossing it onto the awaiting cart filled with body parts.

"A true She-Dragon she is!"

The men cheer loudly at Daemon's remark, while you and he stood smirking at each other with dark satisfaction.


You were rudely awoken by a pillow, forcefully making contact with your head. "Wake up!"

"Seven hells!" you bolt up in bed, glaring at your sister as she flashes you a toothy grin. "Truly Rhaenyra? You are nothing but an annoyance."

"Good Morrow to you too, Dear Sister..." Rhaenyra giggles at you in response.

"I find myself at wonder sometimes of whom is the eldest, you or I" you utter, throwing yourself back into the sea of pillows upon the bed.

"Oh hush" Rhaenyra replies, jumping up upon the bed to join you. "You love me nonetheless..."

"We shared a womb... I have no other choice but to..."

"Why you little..." Rhaenyra scoffs, grabbing a pillow and pressing it over your face.

"I yield!" you cry out. Rhaenyra removes the pillow and the two of you giggle at one other.

"I heard that Uncle and you had quite the eventful evening last night..." Rhaenyra remarks once the giggling had subsided.

"If you call, dismembering and beheading eventful... then yes, we did" you flash her a smirk.

"As always, true to your name, Visenya..." Rhaenyra shakes her head.

"I aim to please..."

"I hear that the Hand was not as pleased by it though" Rhaenyra comments.

"Otto Hightower can take a flying fuck off the roofs of the Red Keep for all I care..."

"Visenya!" Rhaenyra snickers at your remark.

"What?" you shrug. "I have never hidden the fact that I do not like the man. He always seems to have a hidden agenda."

"Nonetheless, he is the Hand of the King" Rhaenyra reminds you.

"He is a leech, that is what he is!" you respond with vigour.

"Let us change the conversation to a more pleasant one..." Rhaenyra offers. "What shall you be wearing tomorrow to the tourney?"

"I have settled upon an ice-blue and black toned dress."

"Shall I guess... along with your silver armoured corset?" Rhaenyra remarks.

"You know me too well, Dear Sister..." you chuckle at her.

"We shared the same womb, or have you forgotten" Rhaenyra chuckles in response.

"And what shall you be wearing?"

"Red and gold, without the matching body armour though" Rhaenyra replies, "although my wreath favour shall match my dress. You have made yours; I presume?"

"Yes, I made the blasted thing..." you groan out pointing to it lying on a nearby table. "Although, I do not know why I should be bothered to do so."

"It is tradition" Rhaenyra state, picking it up. "Black, Vi? Truly?"

"What?" you shrug. "It matches my soul..."

"Your soul is not black, nor is it dark. You have a kind heart Vi, a bit rough around the edges, but a kind heart nonetheless."

"If you insist Rhae..." you drawl out. "Now begone, so that I may begin to ready for the day" you playfully shoo her out of your bedroom, causing her to chuckle out loudly at you.

"We are ready when you are, your Highness" your lady-in-waiting announces, while you fixed the ice-blue gem that rested upon your temple.

"You may go ahead of me" you instruct her, "I wish to first check upon my mother before leaving for the tourney."

"As you wish, Princess" she curtsy's and makes her leave.

"Good Morrow, Mother" you called out with a warm smile, entering into her chambers.

"Good Morrow, my love" your mother responds with an affectionate smile of her own when you press a kiss to her temple. "Should not you be at the tourney?"

"I shall be leaving soon. I came to check upon you first."

"You and Rhaenyra are both the same with your fussing over me" your mother rolls her eyes at you.

"If we do not fuss over you, then whom shall..."

Your mother chuckles, shaking her head at your remark, changing the conversation then. "You look beautiful, Visenya... the colour of the dress suits you. Although it could do better without the armour."

"And disappoint my supporters?" you scoff teasingly. "I must uphold to the title of the Disaster and Rebel."

Your mother chuckles loudly at your remark, but the next split second it turns into a painfilled groan.

"Mother?!" you rush forward to lend your support. "What is the matter?"

"It is nothing..." she tries to brush off your concern. "Your sibling has merely decided to cause me even more discomfort at the moment."

"Mayhaps, I should remain here with you" you respond frowning.

"" your mother protests with a wave of her hand. "You go to the tourney. I already shall be absent from it. It is only proper for you to attend."

"If you insist..." you reluctantly agree.

Pressing another kiss to your mother's temple, you exit the chambers, a worrisome look upon your face as you leave for the tourney.

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