Part Ten

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"Father, you called for me?"

"Ah, Visenya..." your father smiles at you in greeting as you entered his chambers.

"Have a seat, we have much to speak about."

With furrowed brows, you took the seat across from him.

"I have decided to add your sister onto the Small Council."

"That makes sense" you nod.

"She is the heir, but what does this have to do with me?"

"Your sister has become quite guarded these days, the only person that she trusts anywhere close to her; is you."

"Because we are twins" you reply matter-of-factly.

"It has always been that way."

"That is why I know for a fact that when the time comes for her to rule, the only person she would want by her side; is you."

"Of course, I shall be there to support Rhaenyra" you nod.

"I am not speaking of your support as her sister" your father waves his hand in response.

"I meant as The Hand... you and I both know that Rhaenyra would want no one other but you as her Hand, The Hand of The Queen."

"I suppose" you shrug.

"I still do not know why I am here though..."

"Patience has never been your strongest virtue" your father smiles at you.

"I want you present at the Small Council as well. You shall be present at all of the meetings, only to listen and learn though."

"As you wish, Father" you nod in agreement.


"Father, may I have a word?" Harwin enters Lyonel's chambers.

"Have a seat" Lyonel gestures.

"What is it that you wish to speak of?"

"The Princess Visenya..."

Lyonel straightens up in his seat.

"What of her?"

"I would like your assistance in asking the King for her hand in marriage."

"The Princess Visenya?" Lyonel sternly stares at his son.

"Her hand in marriage? Are you certain of your decision?"

With a lovestruck smirk upon his face, Harwin nods in response.

"Quite certain, Father."

The sternness of Lyonel's face turns to a joyous smile then.

"It seems my assumptions were correct then..."

Harwins brow furrows in confusion at his father's remark.

"I had an inkling that you might be enamoured with her..."

"Was I that obvious?" Harwin smirks.

"Quite so" Lyonel remarks with a chuckle.

"May I ask, what is it that drew you to the Princess Visenya?"

"I have never met a woman like her..." Harwin responds with a distant look of wonder in his eyes.

"She is both beautiful and strong, fierce yet kind-hearted... a true warrior woman. What better match for the strongest knight in the seven kingdoms, than the strongest woman?"

"What better, aye...?" Lyonel chuckles.

"I shall speak with the King."

"Thank you, Father..."


"Your father tells me that you wish to marry my daughter?" King Viserys eyes Harwin through narrowed gaze.

"That is correct, your Grace..." Harwin remains eye contact.

"And why should I give my blessing to your request?"

"I could give you many reasons as to why, your Grace..." Harwin confidently remarks.

"Yet, I shall only state the most important one of all."

The King raises a brow at his remark.

"And that is?"

"Quite simply... I love your daughter, your Grace."

"You love my daughter...?" the King stares at him still sceptical.

"Not her status?"

"No, your Grace" Harwin responds.

"It is the Princess' uniqueness and beauty that made me fall in love with her."

Harwin smiles then, "I have never met anyone quite like her..."

"She is quite a rare find..." the King nods in agreement.

"She can be quite a handful though... stubborn to a fault. Are you certain that you want to bind yourself to her for life? Would you not prefer my other daughter? Rhaenyra would bring a higher status to your family."

"As beautiful and gracious as the Princess Rhaenyra is, my heart only belongs to the Princess Visenya, your Grace."

The King silently studies Harwin for a moment, a smile breaking across his lips then.

"Very well... I give you, my blessing."

"Thank you, your Grace" Harwin bows with a huge smile.

"I would not celebrate so soon if I were you, Ser Harwin..." the King remarks.

"I may have given my blessing to the union, aye... but that does not necessarily mean that the marriage is set in stone."

Harwin's brow furrows in confusion.

"Pardon, your Grace?"

"I shall not order my daughter to marry you, she must make that decision on her own accord. It is up to you to persuade her to choose you."

"I understand, your Grace" Harwin nods in agreement.

"I suggest that we keep this discussion amongst only ourselves" the King looks to both Harwin and Lyonel.

"As you wish, your Grace..." they both bow in agreement.

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