Part Fifteen

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You had just finished dressing when there was a knock your chambers' door.

"The King requests your presence in his private chambers, your Highness" your handmaiden informs after having spoken to whomever had been at the door.

He was most definitely informed of Harwin having escorted you back to The Keep in the early hours of the morning.

Standing at the door of your father's chambers, you take in a heavy breath as you square your shoulders in preparation for what was to come.

"You requested my presence, Father?" you announce, entering the chambers.

"Do not act coy!" your father yells out at you in anger.

"What in the Seven has gotten into you?" you stared at him in shocked surprise.

"What has gotten into me?!" your father bawls out.

"Mayhaps the fact that both my daughters were seen acting like lowly whores last night?!"

"What?!" you scoff in disbelief.

"I would not think walking the streets and being at a tavern to be acting as a whore?"

"So, you admit to it then?!" your father growls out.

"What in the Seven Hells were you doing outside of the Keep at that hour?"

With pursed lips, you take a moment, deep in thought, silently nodding then.

"Noting that you have used the word 'daughters', I take it that you know of Rhaenyra being outside the walls as well last night."

"Aye" your father nods, frowning in disapproval.

"Then I shall not lie to you Father. I was outside The Keep, keeping an eye my sister. After I realized she had left her chambers, I followed her to make sure she was safe."

Taking a step back, your father scoffs.

"You are the youngest, it is not your duty to protect your older sister.

"True, but who is the strongest?"

"You are" your sighs out, defeated.

"Precisely" you smirk, shrugging.

"Besides, I saw that she was with Daemon, so there was no need for me to worry about her thereafter."

"If only you knew..." your father grumbles under his breath, causing you to frown.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I will fill you in on that matter soon" your father waves his hand around in dismissal.

"First... tell me what you did thereafter? Why were you in that tavern?"

"I ran into Harwin on my way back" you explain.

"Harwin? Thank the Seven..." your father lets out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Harwin. He was not really pleased with me though" you cringe guilty.

"I would think not, aye" your father scowls at you.

"He already gave me an earful, thank you very much" your drawl, rolling your eyes.

"Yes, yes... and?" your father waves his hands about for you to continue.

"After he gave me a lecture, we ran into one of the captains of the City Watch. We had polite conversation and he invited me to join them for a drink at the tavern; to reminisce on the days when Daemon and I commanded."

"And that is all...?" your father stares closely at you through squinted eyes.

"We had a few drinks and laughs, then Harwin escorted me back to The Keep" you respond with a head nod.

"And you did not see Rhaenyra at a later time?" your father enquires.

Realizing that this was more than just the matter of you and Rhaenyra being outside The Keep at night, you narrow your sights on your father then.

"Nay, I went straight to bed after Harwin had brought me back. Father, what is the true reason behind all your questions? More so, why do you believe we had been acting like whores?"

"Very well..." your father exhales heavily, taking a seat then as he was feeling quite drained by everything had happened.

"You will hear of it eventually; I might as well tell it now. Your sister and Daemon had been seen at a brothel last night."

"What?!" you jaw drops open in shock.

"Aye" your father groans out, rubbing at his temple.

"More so, it was reported that..." your father pauses for a second, not able to even voice his next words.

"What father? What was reported?"

"That she and Daemon had coupled with one another in the middle of a full out orgy!" your father finally growls out.

"What?! That is preposterous!" you scoff in response.

"Rhaenyra would never be so irresponsible. I would expect from Daemon, aye but never Rhaenyra... she would never tarnish her reputation in such a manner."

"I wish it were not so" your father sighs out.

"But Otto has the statements of many witnesses."

"Otto?" you scoff, letting out a sarcastic chuckle.

"You believe such vile lies of your daughter coming from the mouth of that Leech?"

"Visenya..." your father glares at you in disapproval.

"Nay" you shake your head in anger.

"What Otto Hightower has done is one of the highest offenses toward the throne! Slandering the reputation of a royal princess, and the heir to The Iron Throne!"

"Visenya, calm down" your father attempts to placate you.

"No, father I shall not!" you hiss out.

"He has called my sister's virtue into question. Your daughter's!"

"He is only looking out for the wellbeing of the throne" your father attempts to reason with you.

"Aye, that he is... so that he may place his grandson on it one day" you scornfully remark.

"Visenya..." your father shoots you a warning glare.

"It is the truth" you snarl in response.

"He would rather have Aegon on the throne; a true born male heir, than have a woman rule. I am sure that he lied and reported that I whored myself out to the entire City Watch in the tavern and some bystanders as well?"

"Now you are the one being preposterous" your father scoffs.

"Am I truly, Father? Otto has been looking out for only himself since day one. It was truly quite convenient that his daughter suddenly became your shoulder to cry on after my mother and brother had died. It was part of his plan all along, Father... getting his daughter to worm her way into your broken heart whilst you grieved the death of your wife and newborn son. It is all for power, the power of The Irone Throne. As The Hand to the king, he is quite powerful already, yet as the grandfather of the king... that is ultimate power."

Your father stares silently at you for a moment, finally nodding then.

"You have a valid point."

"As I always do" you nod victoriously.

"I shall speak with Rhaenyra and clear this distasteful matter immediately."

"Nay" your father responds.

"I shall speak with her about the matter first. I forbid you to mention any of this to anyone, not even Harwin."

Exhaling heavily at the command, you nod in response.

"As you wish, Father." 

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