Part Nineteen

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Warning: swearing 


You watched from your balcony as the royal carriage entered The Red Keep, your father exits, followed by Lord Lyonel. The king seeming quite fatigued with each step he took, and you watched in utter horror as he collapses at the foot of the carriage steps.

You were pacing in front of your father's chambers, waiting on news of his well-being when Grand Maester Mellos finally exits. "How fares my father?!"

"No need to fear, Princess...", Grand Maester Mellos assures you, "after a bit of leeching, His Majesty shall be right as rain."

"Good...", you exhale in relief but all that chances when Maester exits. Seeing his face, you silently signal for to wait behind.

"Tell me the truth", you command once you are alone.

"The king's infection has spread, Princess, and feel that leeching will nothing to improve it", Orwyle explains.

You stare at him in utter shock, "is there nothing else that can be done?"

"I have suggested an alternative remedy, yet was denied by Grand Maester Mellos", Orwyle respond, causing you to scowl.


"I am merely an aide, Princess", Orwyle offers a faint smirk of sympathy at your distress, "I did however manage to give Lord Lyonel something to aid the king in sleeping."

Feeling helpless at your father's predicament, you exhale heavily, nodding at him. "Thank you, Maester

Once Orwyle left, you rush to knock on the chamber door and Lord Lyonel opens. "Princess?"

"How is he?", you stare at him with teary eyes.

Lyonel silently stares back at you, shoulders sagging in defeat. "In a bit of pain, he shall be alright though."

"Are you certain?", you press him for more.

"I am well, Child!", your father's voice calls out to you from inside, causing Lyonel to fainting smile.

"Do not lie to me, Old Man!", you call back over Lyonel's shoulder, resulting him having to suppress a chuckle.

"Why you little Brat!", your father shouts back and giggle in response.

"You are certain, Father...?", you ask again after sobering up.

"Yes, my child...", he finally responds after ceasing his own laughter. "Go now... I shall be fine."

You look to Lyonel, and he silently nods in agreement to your father's words. "All shall be fine, My Child..."

Composing your emotions, you nod at him, "thank you, Father."

A broad smile spreads across his lips at your words, "it warms my heart to hear those words, Daughter..."

You make your leave, deciding to keep the king's condition to yourself as you go in research of Rhaenyra to hear how marriage proposal went.


"Was it a success?", you enquire upon entering your sister's chambers.

"I am now a betrothed woman", Rhaenyra nods in response.

"Why are so sullen?", you frown at her demeanor, "you got what you wanted. A husband that would not control nor interfere in your life."

"That is not what is bothering me", Rhaenyra grumbles out.

"Then what is it?"

"Criston", Rhaenyra utters out as her face turns even more sour.

"What about it him?", you ask confused.

"He asked for my hand in marriage...", Rhaenyra exhales, burying her face into the palm of her hands.

"What?!", you stare at her open-mouthed.

Lifting her head, Rhaenyra deadpans you. "He pleaded for me not to go forward with the wedding. Even went as far as to suggest for us to run away and live beyond Westeros."

"Has he gone insane?!", you respond flabbergasted, narrowing your eyes at her then. "Do not tell me that you have entertained the thought?"

"Of course not!", she scoffs. "I am the heir to the Iron Throne. I do not have such leisure."

Taking a moment to ponder, you turn to her in seriousness. "Do you love him?"

Rhaenyra ponders over your words, replying. "I am found of him. I do not love him though. We all are not as lucky as you."

You choose to ignore her last remark, your mind racing in concern instead. "What if he retaliates due to your rejection?"

"He would not do such a thing", Rhaenyra brushes your concerns off. "He is loyal... my sworn protector."

"That was before you fucked and then rejected him", you point out the facts. "You should be caution with him. This could all turn out badly for you if he ever decides to turn on you."

"You are overexaggerating...", Rhaenyra softly chuckles, and you grip hold of her chin to focus on you.

"Tread carefully, Rhaenyra...", you warn her. "A scorned lover is a dangerous thing."

With furrowed brows, Rhaenyra silently nods in agreement. She flashes you a broad smile then, "enough of about that... let us begin discussing the pending wedding."

A faint smile spreads across your face as you nod in agreement, yet in the back of your mind the pressing thoughts of concern still lingered.


After conversing with Rhaenyra, you returned to your chambers for some solitude. While in the midst of reading, one of your trusted servants enters the chambers. "What is it?", you enquire upon seeing the seriousness of her face.

"The Queen has requested Ser Criston Cole's presence inside her chambers", she informs, causing you to frown.

"Do we know why?"

"Nay, Princess... all we know, is that she sent her servants out so that they could converse in private."

With pursed lips, you nod at her. "Alright, good work. You are dismissed."

Setting aside your book to pondering over the information given, you could not help to worry about what Alicent would want from Cole. "This does not set well. Rhaenyra, what have you gotten yourself into...?" 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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