Part Eleven

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It was that time of the year yet again; your father's nameday, and with it came the annual tourney celebration.

You were not truly looking forward to it, as the last tourney you had attended was the day you had lost both your mother and baby brother.

The only thing that made you even slightly interested, was that Harwin would be taking part in it.

Harwin... He and you had been spending quite a bit of time together, either practicing or exchanging stories of being part of the City Watch.

You had thought that he was more interested in your sister, yet as the days went on, it seemed that perhaps it wasn't so at all. Harwin was interested in you as much as you were interested in him.

"The two of you are looking quite beautiful..." your father proudly smiles at Rhaenyra and you as you entered the royal booth together. Rhaenyra was dressed in a midnight blue gown, and you a black and gold toned one, accompanied with your silver armored corset.

"Thank you, Father" you both smiled at him in response as you took your seats.

"Who have you chosen as your favorite to win?" you ask Rhaenyra once the tourney began.

"I have not decided as yet, I am waiting to see how the first round goes" Rhaenyra shrugs, shooting a side-eyed smirk in your direction then.

"However, I am quite sure I know who you have chosen..."

"I have no inkling of what you speak of" you straighten up, pretending to be oblivious.

"Come now, Vi..." Rhaenyra arches an amused brow at you.

"Anyone with eyes can see the attraction between the two of you. You are clearly in love with Ser Harwin, and he you."

"We are merely friends" you brush her remark off.

"Close friends then..." Rhaenyra mutters out smirking.

"What are you insinuating?" you scoff at her.

"That one would believe the two of you were courting with all the time you spend together in each other's company."

Before you could utter a retort, the announcement of Harwin's match interrupted you.

"Pay attention now, Dear Sister, your champion is about to compete..." Rhaenyra bounces her brows at you suggestively.

You shoot your sister a quick glare, causing her to snicker in amusement as you turn to watch Harwin enter the arena.

You avidly watched as Harwin easily defeated his first opponent; jumping up to cheer along with the rest of the crowd at his victory.

Harwin removes his helm to nod at the cheering crowd, his eyes make contact with your own then; causing you to blush when he winks at you with a broad smile across his face.

Rhaenyra attempts to get you to sit back down but you pay her no attention; continuing to smile down at Harwin in a lovestruck daze instead.

You were snapped out from your daze by the loud throat clearing of your father. Turning around, you were met by the disapproving scowl of Otto, Alicent had an amused glint in her eyes, and your father faintly smirking as he motioned with a head tilt for you to be seated.

"Merely friends, you say...?" Rhaenyra remarks giggling.

"Oh, hush you..." you scold her as she continued softly snickering.

You both silently watched as a knight representing house Dayne entered the arena.

"He seems promising..." you remark as the match began and the knight seemed to have the upper hand.

"I believe that I have found my champion..." Rhaenyra comments.

"Do you not already have a Dornish champion...?" you smirk at her.

"Well, he is not in the tourney, so I must choose a new one" she responds, pulling a face at you.

"Seems like your choice was a wise one" you clap along with the crowd when her pick won his match.

"Ser Criston, what is the name of the knight that just won?"

"Ser Vorian Dayne, your Highness" he replies.

"He is the heir to Starfall."

"Not a poor choice" you nod looking to your sister then.

"Mayhaps a good candidate for a future husband?"

"You must be speaking for yourself" Rhaenyra scoffs at you.

"I have no such desires."


"Do not stare at me in that manner" she retorts.

"I know what is expected of me, though it does not mean that I cannot take my time with doing so."

"As you wish, Dear Sister..." you utter out with a sigh.


There was one more match to happen before the final one, Harwin; whom already had won his slot to be in the final match, silently stood watching to the side as to see who his opponent would be.

His attention should solely have been upon the match, but it was concentrated on the royal booth instead; the Princess Visenya looked more beautiful each day he saw her.

She was seated next to her sister as the two waited for the match to start, Harwin watched as the two of them whispered into each other's ears while pointing out to certain things in the crowd.

Rhaenyra, having noticed Harwin watching them, points him out to her sister then.

Visenya looks in his direction, and Harwin sore that he stopped breathing at the shy smile spread across her lips as their eyes locked with each other.

Her sister whispers something in her ear then, causing her to blush as the two of them giggled at each other as they stared at him.

With a broad smirk, Harwin winks at her in response; causing her blush to deepen.

Their moment was abruptly interrupted when the announcement of the match starting soon was called out.

Nodding at the Princess one last time, Harwin then turns his attention to the field as the contestants enter onto it.

The crowd cheers as the two knights presents themselves, the knight representing house Dayne then does something that makes Harwin's blood instantly boil in anger.

Harwin watches in fury as Varion Dayne calls out to the Princess Visenya for her favor then, completely destroying phase one of the plan he had come up with to woo the Princess.

During that instant, Harwin wanted nothing more than to cave the knight's face in.

Visenya was his...

He now hoped that the Dayne won this round, if only so that he may find satisfaction in destroying him in the final for having made a pass at what belonged to Harwin.

He may have destroyed phase one, but Harwin would not allow him to do so with phase two and three...

By the end of the day's celebrations, the Princess would be his, and Harwin planned to make sure that everyone knew it.            

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