I'm Back + Where I've Been + New Story

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Hey there. Been quite a while, yeah? After years of just being missing, I am finally back on Wattpad, despite no one asking. I wanted to take a moment to explain where I've been and what I'm doing, as well as being completely candid with any future works.

Before I get into any of that, I am specifically putting this message here so that my words can reach the most amount of people possible, since this is my most popular work by a long shot.

I'll actually address two questions with one response: Where have I been and why did I stop publishing chapters? I have just been living life, transitioning into being a real adult over the last few years. Believe it or not, the first chapter of this story was published in August of 2017. It's been just about five years, and in those five years, a lot has happened leading to lots of different transitions in my life. I didn't stop publishing chapters because I was too busy or anything, but because time had passed, and I wasn't interested in some of the inspired material. I am still very much into Dragon Ball (Super Hero was great, by the way), but not so much into DxD.

This leads into another issue that I faced, which was commitment issues. When I saw the initial popularity of Legends, I was really overwhelmed. To this day, I still receive notifications on the email linked to this account about people voting for and commenting on a work from years ago. Seeing my success with Legends, I pushed to finish it and as fast as I could, pumping out chapter after chapter until I even came out with a sequel, Gods. However, it was around this time that I began to write not because I genuinely wanted to, but because I wanted to continue to satisfy and to keep my high train running. This ended up to me just dropping DxD: Gods entirely due to just being absolutely burnt out.

However, now that I am back, I wanted to take this opportunity to present a new story that I have been working on. Keen readers may have already spotted this on my page, but I am currently working on a RWBY story that I have been planning for ages now. Unlike the DxD stories, this new one is completely thought-out from beginning to end with every major story beat already planned out. Full honesty, about 60% of the chapters in both my DxD works were made up on the fly without any real sort of planning or forethought. This will be different, as I have been planning this for ages and am finally putting it down into writing. I even have a prequel set in mind, but I'll wait to even consider that until much, much later.

To be fully transparent, I do not anticipate the new RWBY story to even be a quarter as successful as any of my previous works, but I'm more doing it for myself rather than for numbers. And if a few people end up reading it, then it's a win in my book. I initially had planned a full character out for the series, but ended up making it a male reader story since it would be more relatable to a reader, but the characterization will still remain from the planning stage. So if you are at all interested in RWBY or just want to see a more mature version of my writing style after some time away, go check it out.

Finally, I wanted to thank every person who has ever read one of my half-baked stories. I probably would have never done this to the extent that I have unless people like you kept reading, so thank you. The RWBY story and other branching paths of that story will most likely be the last work that I ever do, so I plan on going out with a bang.

Thank you for five long years of continued reading and support.

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