1.1 The First Time

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'We were both fucking terrified, and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn't know what we were doing. But it was good too, so good, because we were a mess of emotions, and we were scared and excited and everything felt new.' 

~ Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman




I look up at Nick and he looks down at me, his cheeks all flushed with his hair flopping over his forehead and I feel it, a huge rush of emotion and the desperate need of wanting him inside me. It takes me more by surprise than I thought it would. Not that I haven't wanted him before, I have, I definitely have. No, the surprise is how much I want him. Like, if he suggested it right now I'd say yes with no hesitation whatsoever. 

I long for him to say something more than just agreeing that yes, we will have sex at some point. It's like I just want him to rip my clothes off and have me. Shit, that sounds terrible. I don't mean it in a bad way, I just want to know that he wants me as much as I want him. Which is a LOT. A HUGE lot. 

It's becoming ridiculous just how much I think about having sex with Nick. And us being in this position right now, him lying on top of me, kissing every available inch of skin that's showing, which isn't a lot since I'm in jeans and a jumper, but still, kissing every available inch, particularly my neck which he knows I love, is really not helping. What also isn't helping is his moving about as he kisses me because he's rubbing up against me and I can feel him. 

All of him. 


I just hope he really wants me too. 


We've been edging towards this for a while now, having sex I mean. We've spoken about it like a million times since we started going out together, both of us agreeing that we didn't want to rush into anything. But Charlie looking like he does right now, his pupils blown wide open, his lips more puffy and red than usual and the completely trusting look he has in his eyes really doesn't help

I run my fingers in his hair and kiss his neck. As a distraction, it's completely the wrong move. He groans softly right into my ear, his breath tickling me as he moves his head clearly wanting more. His legs tighten around me, pulling me into him and I can't help but press myself to him, wanting to be as close to him as possible

God, I want him. And I want him to want me too. I just need him to say it, I need to hear him tell me explicitly that he wants me. I just hope it's soon because otherwise I may combust. 



When I arrive at Nick's I'm carrying two bags, one much heavier than the other, which I heave down to the floor from my shoulders, waiting for him to open his front door. It's not rained yet today even though the path is looking damp, I just hope that it doesn't transfer to the bags but honestly, I cannot carry them any longer. I can hear Nellie barking inside and get ready for her to bound out of the door as if she hasn't seen me in months instead of only a couple of days ago. Usually, she does these adorable little jumps around my legs which stops me sometimes from getting inside the house as quick as she'd like me to. 

She knows by now that there's no patting allowed until I'm inside, since Nick's mum, Sarah, got fed up with all the warm air escaping out of the house for minutes at a time whilst I bent down to give Nellie ear rubs and belly rubs and tickles every time I arrived. I guess today, since Sarah's not here, that I could drop to my knees and surprise Nellie but probably best not, since I can't explain to her why I'd have to stop again as soon as Sarah gets back from her trip after this weekend. Having pets is way more complicated than I ever thought it would be, probably another reason why my parents won't allow them.

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