1.4 The First Time

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"It's like, if you had to provide evidence for soul mates, everyone would pick you two."

~ Nick & Charlie by Alice Oseman



Last night was amazing. This has to be the best weekend of my life. Or was it the weekend when we first kissed? Because that was amazing too, and without that we wouldn't be here now. But this is something else, because our whole relationship has now moved to a different level and it's completely amazing. I know I'm overusing amazing, but seriously, I don't know how else to describe it.

Charlie would know, he's better at words than I am. He even likes Latin for God's sake. He'd definitely know more words for how I'm feeling about him. 

I smile at the ceiling at how good all this feels. How relaxed and easy it is to wake up with Charlie in my bed and wish it was like this every day of the week. But I know that tomorrow is the last morning, at least for now, that Charlie will be with me because we have school, and Mum will be coming back from Southport and it won't be the same until we're on our own again. Whenever that is. 

I really wish that Charlie's parents would let him stay over at mine, or me at his, but preferably here because I don't think my Mum would mind if we shared my bed but I know Charlie's Mum would have plenty to say about it. They've only let me sleep over a couple of times, on Charlie's floor, but both times were for very specific reasons and they made that very clear. 

I wonder what Charlie has told his parents about where he is this weekend? I probably should ask him and find out in case I get asked any questions the next time I'm round there. One thing's for certain; they don't know that he's been here this entire weekend. And they certainly don't know what we've been doing!

Charlie mumbles something next to me and I turn my head to look at him. My arm is dead, I know I'm going have terrible pins and needles in it when I finally get the feeling back, and I really need to move, but his head is resting on me and I don't want to disturb him. I look down at the slope of his nose, his curls tickling my nose and hug him tight to me. He mumbles something incoherent again and pushes his face further into my chest. 

I know I'm smiling when I fall asleep again... 



I breathe in deeply as I waken up and then lick my lips and swallow because my tongue seems to have stuck to the roof of my mouth whilst I've been asleep. Speaking of stuck, Nick has stuck himself like a limpet to my back, it's no wonder I'm hot.  

Instead of wriggling out of Nick's arms I stick a foot out of the duvet instead and then stick both out. He's such a warm person, in every way; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Physically he just seems to run at a higher temperature than me, needs less clothes and doesn't feel the cold as quickly as I do. Ideal in Winter when I'm shivering and he's as warm as toast. 

Emotionally, his touch is warm, he knows exactly when I don't feel so good and when things are going downhill, and he tries his best to protect me but at the same time he's unafraid to cry and show me his concerns and worries. Most importantly he doesn't judge, and he knows when and how to talk to me and when I need him to just be there and not saying anything. I appreciate that so much, he has no idea.  

Mentally, his thoughts are always warm, and kind and he knows his worth. That, to me, is so sexy. He's confident in who he is and completely confident in us as a couple. Spiritually, he's connected, humble, grounded and his soul is so pure, I feel, compared to mine anyway. I feel that if we were to dress up for Halloween as a devil and an angel, he'd definitely be the angel. He keeps me centered and I'm so grateful for having met him. Basically, he's goodness wrapped up in a warm bear hug. God, I love him. 

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