1.5 The First Time

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"you're Nick and Charlie.' I laugh. 'What does that mean?' 'It's ...' He laughs too, a nervous expulsion of air. 'You're ... it's hard to explain. It's like, if you had to provide evidence for soul mates, everyone would pick you two."



I know I'm moaning; I can hear the thrum in my chest, but with the water cascading over me and the echo off the bathroom tiles it's hard to make out even my own low sounds. Every time I tip my head back, I get a mouthful of water. I don't know what it's like for Nick, he must be nearly drowning back there. Not that it feels like he's nearly drowning from what he's doing to me. 

I have to admit that I've had a fantasy of being fucked in a shower for a while, ever since I saw Skyfall. Which, of course I was watching just for Daniel Craig and ever since then I've thought many times about him coming up behind me in the shower...but I didn't appreciate how wet it would actually be. I know it sounds silly, but I didn't think how much I don't like getting a face full of water before we started this. It's not as much fun as it seems. 

Plus it's really slippy and there's nothing to hold onto. I keep thinking that any time now I'd going to slide backwards and end up in a heap. I wonder if Nick feels the same? 



"Do you want to carry this on in my bedroom? Because it's really splashy and I can't really see what I'm doing..."

"Oh thank god."

"Wait, what?"

Nick's voice is right by my ear so I turn my head thinking that he didn't hear me properly but then I nearly burst out laughing because as soon as I turn all I can see is his face, all screwed up against the stream of water. I start to turn the shower off and hear him spluttering behind me. As soon as I can I turn around to him, reaching out for a towel and handing it to him. 

"Thanks," he says, rubbing his face and hair, leaving it adorably messy.

"That was not as much fun as I thought it was going to be," I announce as I step out of the shower, grabbing another towel for myself. 

"My feet kept slipping and every time I tried to kiss you, I'd get a mouthful of water, felt like I was half drowning the entire time," Nick agrees, grinning at me and chuckling a little.


"So?" Nick answers, pushing his hair back off his face. There's a rogue strand that won't stay back, that keeps flopping over his forehead, and I have to say I'm a little fixated on it. He's got rivulets of water running all down his body from his hair and I push back an urge to lick them off him. 

"Charlie?" He asks and I startle. Nick grins a long slow grin, his mouth curling up gently. How long have I been staring at him? "Like what you see?" 

I swallow, my throat thickening and my tongue starting to feel like it's too big for my mouth. "You know I do," I blurt out, completely unable to stop myself. I know my eyes travel the whole length of his body, all the way down and all the way back up, slowly, and I think I could well be drooling. He's so gorgeous. I can't believe he's my boyfriend.

I look up at his face again and see him still smiling at me, his eyes crinkled up around the edges, mouth as wide as, his grin getting bigger the more he watches me. I suddenly feel quite embarrassed by my obvious adoration of this god of a human being. "Oh shut up!" I tell him and attempt to swat him away. 

Nick ignores the swipe of my hand and takes one large step towards me. His hands come up to my face and take my cheeks and I think for a second that he's going to smoosh my face and annoy me but he doesn't. He looks at me with equal adoration, so much so that I can actually feel it in my body; the warmth that his gaze gives me. And then he bends down and kisses me, purposefully and with meaning, and I think I could be actually floating in mid-air. 

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