1.2 The First Time

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'I don't think that Nick is a normal boyfriend, or that this is a normal relationship. If I could choose to be with him all of the time, I would, and that's awful because I know that it's unhealthy and you're not supposed to be obsessed with the person you're in love with, because you're supposed to be a person on your own too, but still, every single time, I would choose to be with him.'

~ This Winter by Alice Oseman


Saturday 10.30am


Waking up with my boyfriend is the best feeling in the world, my bed always feels lonely without him now. Waking up with Charlie snuggled right next to me on a weekend where there's no-one but us in the house is next level but waking up with Charlie the morning after we had sex for the first time feels like a whole new ball game. 

We talked so late into the night that it's mid-morning before either of us wake up, me being first of course. The feeling of Charlie plastered to my back, our legs tangled up and the weight of his arm tucked under mine always feels new, like I'm never going to get used to it but at the same time it feels so comfortable, like we've always woken up like this. 

My first thoughts after waking up are:

1. I absolutely love waking up with Charlie in my bed

2. We had sex last night

3. We get to spend the whole weekend together, ON OUR OWN

4. We had sex. I had sex. With Charlie. I am no longer a virgin. Not that I was bothered about being a virgin, but still, I am no longer a virgin because I had sex. With Charlie.

5. God I'm starving. I need breakfast. Now. 

It's the sound that my stomach is making that gets me up in the end. I've no idea how long Charlie will sleep in and I really don't want to wake him up because a) he looks gorgeous, all curled up with his messy bed hair and b) he doesn't sleep well generally. So I wriggle my way quietly out of bed, tiptoe around the room and nearly make it out of the room without waking Charlie up.


I slowly wake up as I become more and more aware of Nick moving around the room. He's such a morning person. And I'm so not. He always seems to wake up with boundless energy and I'm basically a sloth in comparison. 

Quiet, he is not. Seriously, I know he's trying to not wake me up because he's so obviously trying to be quiet, but you'd have to be heavily sedated not to wake up with Nick in the room.

I open my eyes and watch. I just watch him. He's moving around the room, picking our clothes up that we'd both dumped in various places last night. He's like a baby elephant, he's clunked into his chair twice already but it's when he stubs his toe and bends over to hold it, hissing soft profanities, that I decide to speak up. That boy could easily seriously injure himself if he carries on trying to be quiet for much longer. 

"That's an interesting pose you've got going there..." I observe dryly. Nick's bent himself in half, his fist wrapped tight around his toes. I tuck my hand under my head to prop me up a bit and raise my eyebrows at him.

He looks at me to see what I'm talking about, then back at himself, his bum up in the air, and then back at me, grinning. "I know, right?! I'm dead sexy." 

Hobbling over to me, doing a sort of half walk half jump, he sits on the edge of the bed, turns to me and runs his fingers through my hair, pushing my fringe out of my eyes. I smile up at him, his hair's all floppy and falling into his eyes too but I like it that way. 

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