𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲) >𝟑

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((605 words.))

((A/n: Oh god... here we go with the 14yo cringe..))

--(Mary's POV)--

"Aha~! A straight flush! I win again, Mary-chan!"

We were playing poker, again.

"That's the third time you've won today!" She giggles at my anger, which just makes my temper flare.

"Tch...Mary I do suggest you get some more practice,"  She places her cards down, revealing the winning hand. I frown. "Maybe then you'll finally be able to beat me!"

I roll my eyes in disapproval.

"As if...you just have a natural talent, Yu-...uh... Jabami." I flush slightly at my mistake.

"Hm... hey, Mary-chan..?"

Curious, I look at her. Her gaze was pointed to the floor. I couldn't read her facial expression, even if I wanted to.

"Yes..?" I say wearily. She smiles and raises her gaze back to me.

Her eyes...are glowing.

I gasp silently is astonishment. Her eyes only do that when she's gambling... or... enjoying something to an extend...

A shiver runs up my spine, causing my whole body to break into goosebumps. When she speaks, it's slow and smooth.

"We're friends now, Mary-chan. You can call me by my first name, you know.."

She slowly gets up from where she's sitting and walks behind me. Each footstep she takes increases my heart rate.

I don't move.

She lowers her face down to my ear and talks in a hushed whisper.

"Why so modest...~?"

My body tightens at her breath against my ear. I gulp, but then gain the courage to turn and face the red-eyed girl. Even though her face is extremely close to my own, she doesn't move.

"Mm... I wouldn't say friends...more like...acquaintances."

To my surprise, she frowns, eyes suddenly flicking off like a burnout light bulb.

"Unfair, Mary-chan!" She huffs and backs away with frustration. I laugh with glee.

"Haha! Would you rather me call you Senpai?!" I catch what I say, blushing lightly, but still laughing.

That's when I realise what she starts to do.

She gentally kneels down and gingerly places one of her hands on my knee, letting the other one hold my chin loosely.

My face is burning.

"W-what?.." Her eyes shimmer.

"Say my name, Mary..."

I obey with staggered breaths.

"Yu...meko.." She gives a satisfied grin- which causes my knee to bounce up and down with adrenaline. She reluctantly presses my knee down, causing the adrenaline from my knee to shoot up my neck. Yumeko stares at me, not saying anything. I begin to think she's dozed off when she takes my hand- pulling me up.

I don't expect to meet her lips, but I do.

For a second, my mind is blank. But her warmth soon takes me over and I snap back into reality.

Her lips are soft and refreshing. A savor of cherry fills my mouth- her lip balm, I presume. Yumeko vaguely shifts her chin so that our lips mesh together into a perfect fit. I guess she didn't expect me to kiss her back, because when I do, she hesitates for a meer second. A small, contented sigh escapes her lips- before she continues, using slightly more passion than before. In all honesty, I've never expected Yumeko to feel this good.

But then again, I've never thought about kissing her untill now.

She lets go after a minute, and she's...smiling.

My face is off the charts hot.

"Now I know what my main opponent smells, feels, looks, sounds, and tastes like!" She says with a giddy smirk, giggling shyly.

Yumeko says this with no regrets. And instead of yelling at her, I shake my head and smile.


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