𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲)

853 8 0

((TW for angst.))

((901 words.))

--(Mary's POV)--

This was the last fucking straw.

I just can't take it anymore.


She's gambling, do I even have to say that?

Gambling is like some sort of medicine for the crazed girl. A fucking remedy. An escape. It gives her pleasure. More pleasure than me. Her girlfriend.

Fuck her.

This was the last straw.

--(Yumeko's POV)--

I was in the middle of a gamble when Mary barged through the gambling den's doors.

You could practically see steam flowing out of her ears, the desperate and confused cries of the gambling guard at the doors were drowned out by Mary's aggressive entrance. The doors gave an audible crack.

Not this again.

"Yumeko." Mary's voice was dripping with poison. Her voice was steady. Bold, but level-headed.

This made me even more alarmed.

My girlfriend has been angry with me a bunch of times, but not so angry she breaks a door. Something was wrong.

She stood rigid at the gambling table. The boy I was gambling with dared not to speak. The school body knew Mary too much to not upset her as much as possible. She sucked a breath in.

"With me. Now."

I obliged, sneaking a remorseful glance at the boy. Mary snorted somewhat pitfully at the boy, stomping out of the room. I followed, arms at my sides. The guard was fuming by this point.

"You can't just barge into a gamble like that!! Don't you kn-"

The girl with an orange, chick shaped sweater was cut off with a pernicious glare by Mary.

The guard shut up and let us pass.

Mary led me into the school's auditorium, glancing every so often to make sure I was following her. The stage was bare, a cold and omnious energy stood all around the room.

It was replaced by an enraged aura- Mary's.

She slammed the doors shut before turning to me.

An expression I've never seen before layed on my girlfriend's face. It was weird, seeing this much anger in such a usually calm person.

Her alluring amber eyes seemed to gleam. Not of lust, oh no. Of hostality.

I gulped.


--(Mary's POV)--

It's the fake terror in her eyes that pisses me off the most.

She knows why she's here. From the moment I walked into that stupid gambling den untill now.

She knows.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jabami." A hysterical chuckle emerged from my throat- demonic sounding.

Yumeko grimaces at the sound, as if it was unnatural.

What a bitch.

I saunter forwards, and she stiffens. I grin at her fear. Oh, what a table turner this is for sure.

"What's wrong, Jabami, cat got your tounge?!"

She hesitates. "Mary, I don't underst-"

"SHUT UP! You know exactly why we're here, Jabami! Yet you've been trying to avoid it, trying to shove it to the back of your mind. Well you should know damn well I'm done with this BULLSHIT!"

We were supposed to go on a date today. Bonding time. Connecting with eachother. Soft kisses and hand holding. How many texts did I send her? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. She should've answered me. Called me. At least tell me where she was. But, like Eve and the apple, she was tempted to turn on to the wrong path. Pleasure, the snake, all too welcoming.

She has the audacity to stay silent.

"Well!? What do you have to say for yourself?!" I swallowed, my throat too dry.

Yumeko looked up at me. Tears rolled down her face one by one.

Pretty little lies.

--(Yumeko's POV)--

They say the truth hurts. And karma is a bitch.

They could never have been more right.

Mary's face is of pure disgust, as if she was looking at a forgien object. A thing she used to have.

Why does she have to be so right all the time?

"M-mary... Please, listen..-"

"Why should I?" She seethes, eyes like daggers.

"You're...You're right Mary. I do know why we're here. A-and you have every right to be mad at me. To hate me. To not want anything to do with me. You shouldn't even have to listen to me.."

She snorts, rolling her eyes.

"But.. I want you to know that I'm sorry for what I've done and am doing. I know it's hard to be with someone like me.. but please, all I ask is some patience and forgi-"


She practically screams at me. Her eyes are twinkling with tears daring to fall.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

--(Mary's POV)--

How dare she.


Patience!? I've given her it so many times!

"You know what, you're right, fuck, I shouldn't even be speaking to you." My breath is trembling. I massage my temples in hope to gain some relief from my aching head.

Jabami is silent.

My blood is boiling.

I look up at her. A single tear rolls down my cheek. She stares back at me with an unreadable expression.

"How about this, Jabami." I say in a whisper.

"When you can decide if a colored piece of plastic is more valuable than your girlfriend, I'll consider coming back. But as of now, I don't even know who the fuck you are."

I turn around and leave the auditorium, slamming the doors closed behind me.

The last fucking straw.


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