𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬 (𝐈𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧)

978 11 0

((707 words.))


--(Third Person's POV)--

Itsuki Sumeragi was obessed with finger nails.

But oh, no, it wasn't her fault. How could it be her fault? Ladies and gents went on about their days without a care in the world of how their nails looked. They may be pampered or torn. Broken or clean, and the majority of the public would not care. Not at all. However, Itsuki cared about them. It was all too tempting to go out into public...all too tempting to lunge for a prize. But finger nails were delicate, and needed to be treated with care. So the girl found a new way to obtain the precious objects without damaging them-

Rip them out slowly.

The first few times the blue-eyed girl ripped them out of her victim, it was scary. New. Almost as if inhuman. Which, in some sane part of her brain, told her it was inhuman and that she should stop immediately. But, to her luck, people didn't stop having finger nails, people didn't stop styling them, and finger nails didn't stop being so addictive. There was something about the keratin discs that kept her wanting more. She just had to collect them- like some sort of card collecter. The human body was just so fascinating and mysterious... and she had to have them.

Oh, but then came along Y/n.

Innocent and ever so delicate. Itsuki swore that even a gentle breeze could knock her down- for she was that fragile. And there was something special about Y/n... something that made her different.

Y/n was born without finger nails.

At first, Itsuki thought that it must have been some sort of weird and stupid trick- a joke, or something. But when Y/n acquainted the girl and broke down anonychia to her, Itsuki felt ashamed. Not just because she believed it to be some joke- but because of her own selfish needs.

Ituski needed finger nails. Desperately.

Y/n did not have finger nails. She never would.

And it ruined the blue-eyed girl- perhaps more then she thought it would.

Y/n was so different and unique, even despite the fact she didn't have finger nails. Y/n was like a breath of fresh air among the heavy smoke that layed in the academy. The h/c-haired girl gave Itsuki time to rest and rehabilitate- time to be herself. The nail crazed girl gradually opened up to Y/n, spilling secrets and desires. Y/n did not mind that the girl had an odd obsession, instead she found it fascinating.

Was Y/n a nuisance or a relief for the orange-haired girl? She could not tell.

Itsuki, however, did not tell exactly one thing to Y/n.

She wished that Y/n was capable of growing nails.

The girl was so sweet and so delicate. Why, God damnit, could she not grow nails?! It frustrated Itsuki beyond anything else. She needed Y/n's keratin.
She needed to wear the girl's nails as her own. But Y/n didn't have what she needed, forcing Itsuki go hungry and become filled with need and want.

For if not nails, then the blue-eyed girl wanted something else...

Y/n as a whole.

Itsuki realized this silly little need when the two girls were in the gambling den together. The girl was mesmerized by the way the smooth, s/c joints picked and placed cards on the table with care.

Oh, God, to have those fingers touch her.

To have them feel her.

Itsuki would give anything to have Y/n touch her- even just a small hand shake, a head pat, anything. Itsuki's head began to spin rampage with thoughts daring to turn into dark places. What if they were inside of her...?


How dare she even think like that?!

Y/n was so innocent- she couldn't possibly break her now. Y/n was something she would secretly obsess over. A secret pleasure thing.

Yes, that was exactly what she would do.

And, watching Y/n's finger tips glid over the cards with precision and accuracy, Itsuki Sumeragi was oh so happy the nail-less girl decided to join this fucked up academy.


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