𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 (𝐑𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧)

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((1165 words.))


--(3rd Person POV)--

Y/n first noticed the Vice President in the cafeteria.

The cat stalked.

It was a quick glimpse, like a ghost in the corner of her vision. Y/n thought at first maybe she was seeing things. But alas, it happened again. And again. And when it happened for the fourth time, Y/n decided enough was enough.


Y/n was studying in the library when it happened for the fourth time, sitting with a book and a couple pieces of paper on a table by the window. Y/n glanced upwards to see the mask of the Vice President appear behind a book shelf for a meer second, vanishing just as quickly as she appeared. It was enough paranoia to drive a sane person crazy. Luckily, for Y/n, she went to therapy weekly.

Y/n, with a frustrated huff, got up from her chair and approached the book shelf that Ririka had appeared from behind. The girl was surprised when she turned the corner, faced with no one. Not one trace of the masked student.

Odd... Thought Y/n.

But Y/n was desperate and bored with her school work and decided to ditch it and search the huge library for the girl.

It couldn't be that hard, right?

The multiple rows upon rows of bookshelves said otherwise. Y/n caught a wisp of white and platinum pass by a couple of bookshelves down in the corner of her eye. Ririka was tempting her.

Well, if it's a cat and mouse game she wants, it's a cat and mouse game she'll get.

The cat waited.

Y/n wisked down the aisle, keeping her eyes narrowed and cautious incase the masked girl decided to slip away from the pursuit. She was at the end of the book aisle when she heard something fall, something sturdy and small.


The sound came from the Sci-fi section. Y/n darted as quickly as she could towards the sound.

Well, well.. whoever thought the Vice President could be so clumsy?...

Sure enough, as Y/n rounded the corner into the Sci-fi section there were two books splattered on the floor. Their pages were torn out and their spines were bent. Ririka wasn't there. A tad spooked, Y/n stepped towards the teared up books. Her e/c eyes widened at one of the cover titles.

The Creature Behinde the Mask.

The cat crept.

The girl gluped. Fear prickled the back of her neak with long fingers.

"This... This Isn't funny, Ririka!" Called Y/n, her voice cracking at the end of her sentence.

The library was silent for a moment.

Then, came another sound. Quieter this time, like the wind blowing softly in one's ear. It was slightly robotic sounding. Y/n identified it as a chuckle.

Ririka was laughing at her.

This made Y/n angry, out of all things. The Vice President was toying with her fear- pulling and prodding at it like putty. Ririka knew how to push Y/n's buttons. From days of stalking and observing her. Like some sick costumer paying to watch the tiger in a zoo. It was a cat and mouse game alright, but this time, Ririka was the cat.

Y/n was determined not to let this mouse get caught so easily.

Y/n scuttled out of the Sci-fi section, leaving the shredded books behind her. She halted when she was at the end of the aisle, peeking over the bookshelf to the main library hall.

There, she saw her.

The Vice President. Sauntering ever so slowly about 7 rows down, her hands behinde her back. She turned her head to from side to side ever so often- keeping watch for Y/n. Y/n's heart stammered. Ririka never looked so terrifying in her mask then now.

Ririka tilted her head in Y/n's direction.
The Vice President stopped. Her feet pivoting towards Y/n.

Y/n froze. This wasn't funny anymore. Y/n was supposed to be the one hunting her. Not the other way around. The girl cursed under her breath.

Ririka started stepping forwards, footsteps echoing across the building- omnious sounding. Y/n turned the other way and bolted as fast as she could down the main hall. Adrenaline boosted her speed, her breath trying desperately to keep up with her pounding heart. Y/n halted at the end of the main hall, faced with the library's exit- a pair of mahogany doors carved with floral patterns. The terrified girl glanced over her shoulder.

Ririka was gone.

Oh God no...not again..

Y/n latched onto the door's handles and pulled. The doors didn't budge. Y/n tried again, the sounds of the doors rattling and booming flew across the library.

They were locked.

The girl swore under her breath once again. Ririka must have locked the doors when Y/n was examining the torn books.

Clever cat...

Giving up on the doors, Y/n turned to the hall. Ririka still wasn't there. She gulped.

"You..you don't scare me!"

The words were meaningless.

The girl cautiously stepped down the hall, each footstep carefully thought out. The library was silent. Y/n stopped when she was in the center of the library, the marble floor underneath her painted with arrays of flowers and multi-colored koi fish.


The cat pounced.

"You can't hide from someone who's lived their whole life hiding, Y/n."

Y/n's blood ran cold. The voice was behind her. Everything froze at once- like winter turning a lake soild. The Vice President's robotic voice made the experience even more terrifying. Y/n despised the way her name rolled out of the the masked girl's mouth, forming it into something fragile sounding- something infirm. Quiet footsteps were the only thing heard as Ririka stepped closer to the girl. Y/n could feel the masked girl's looming figure behind her.

But she dared not to move.

"H-how..." Rasped the girl, forcing her lips to unlatch.

"How did you even know I was he-"

Y/n was cut off by a low hum. Ririka clicked her tounge with fake dismay.

"Poor thing..." Murmured the masked girl, gentally snaking a hand around the h/c haired girl's forearm.

"Not used to this... mockery."

The words fell off of Ririka's tounge like ice cubes into a glass.

Y/n kept quiet. Afraid of what the Vice President would do.

"But you see... Hiding in plain sight has always been the 'normal' for me.. And willingly or not, it has seemed to affect how I gamble, or do, anything."

The girl removed her masked, gentally leaning down and trailing her teeth along the shell of Y/n's ear.

"So don't get that surprised when I gain the upper hand..." Whispered the platinium-haired girl, her voice hypnotic.


Y/n's muscles were locked, her teeth clenched.

And so then, the cat had finally caught her prey.


♤ × 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐢 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 × ♤Where stories live. Discover now