𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫, 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 (𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧)

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((A/n: Not necessarily TW for smut.. but there is some tease and minor force(??) Mary will forever be my favourite, though😌))

((908 words.))

--(Third Person's POV)--

Y/n had always been a well tempered girl, even without the mittens tags strung around her neck.

So it was a surprise to Mary when the h/c-haired girl began to disobey the older girl's rules.

At first it was the 'silent game', but that soon turned into glares and ignorance. Y/n would deliberately mess up Mary's orders and grin with delight whenever Mary outraged at her actions. It was some sort of rebellion towards the tag around her neck. She would not be treated like a pet. Mary certainly being on the top of her list of people to not listen to. Plus, it amused Y/n to see the usually in-control girl fuming and thrashing with each messed up order. She loved it.

And Y/n knew that Mary wasn't going to do much about it. Sure, Mary would yell and give threats to the disobedient girl, but that was usually all. If Y/n didn't do what instructed to, the yellow-haired girl wouldn't force her to do it.

And it drove Mary mad.


"Go fetch me my binders from my locker. The code's 56, 21, 3."

There was no reply towards the blonde. Her words echoed across the empty hallway, Y/n standing silently by her side. Both girls were peering over a balcony that on looked the academy's center garden. It was a gorgeous view.

Mary waited a second before stiffening, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips.

"So we're going to play this game again, huh? L/n?" Whispered the the girl in a low growl.

When no response came, the blonde turned to face the recalcitrant girl. Y/n, in response, continued to stare blissfully over the balcony, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Mary was going to lose her cool in about three seconds. Y/n knew that Mary's little temper tantrum would wear off sooner or later.

What she didn't know that Mary wasn't fucking around this time.

Swiftly, suddenly, and rather aggressivly, Mary snatched Y/n's shoulders, twisting her to the right and forcefully slamming her up against the balcony's iron rails. Mary received a surprised and pained yelp from the younger girl, smiling at the shock that danced on her mouth in the shape of a tremble.

"You think your games are funny, Y/n? Well I'm done with this shit." Mary's voice was cold and snappy. The yellow-haired girl's grip tightened around Y/n's shoulders, her nails piercing and bruising the flesh underneath it.

Mary held no regrets for her said actions.

Y/n- being the stubborn and uncooperative person she was- still did not reply. Instead, her eyes fixated on Mary's neck. Her gaze trailing the jawline and down her throat. Y/n scolded herself for liking the close proximity that the two girls were in. Even though Mary could easily throw her off the balcony if she really wanted to.

Mary noticed the h/c-haired girl's eyes scan her body, a grin forming on her face. She clicked her tounge.

"Oh, Y/n. Precious, desperate, little Y/n."

The words were coiled with tease- a sneer with not an ounce of remorse. Mary earned a gulp from the trembling girl. Y/n's e/c-eyes darted around the blonde's face- refusing to look at her.

"Look at me." Snarled the girl, seizing Y/n's chin with her left hand.

Y/n was reluctantly forced to stare at Mary, a small gasp fleeing from her mouth. She regretted letting out the noise as soon as it exited.

"Tch...you act oh so tough and resilient around me.. disobeying my commands and giving me the silent treatment. When in reality, we both know that this is just a useless little attempt to, 'fight back'. Useless."

Mary's auburn eyes began to glow. This frightened Y/n, as she first-handly witnessed what could really happen when Mary's eyes gleam. Unlike Yumeko, Mary's eyes shone not of pleasure, but of anger.

The corners of Mary's lips snaked up into a smirk.

Quietly, leaning down so that the yellow-haired girl's breath was right against Y/n's ear, Mary whispered:

"And we both know your such a fucking sucker for my touch."

Ever so slowly- almost as if like a sadist- the blonde curved her thumb that layed on the other girl's chin, gentally letting it wander below Y/n's jaw, down her throat, and rest on her collarbone.

The fact that Mary's skin was in contact with hers was enough to set Y/n on fire.
Mary watched Y/n squirm and whimper helplessly under her touch.

Such a sucker...

Without warning Mary grabbed ahold of the chain around Y/n's throat, the other girl gasping and arching her back in a fit of surprise. The metal was tugging on her skin- Y/n wondered how it wasn't tearing. Tears welled in her eyes. The blonde's cruel gaze settled on the terrified girl, it reminded Y/n of a predator.

"Whenever you feel like disobeying me again, remember this."

Y/n's tounge caught in her throat, her response in a half gasp, half whisper.


The older girl's eyes shimmered with satisfaction. She had received what she had wanted.



And Control.


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