Chapter Ten

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"Are we nearly there yet?" Will asked for the umpteenth time that morning.

Halt allowed a small sigh of exasperation to escape, but refused to reply. Elizabeth grinned. They had been on the road for three days, and it seemed to Will that they must be close to the Gathering Ground. Elizabeth was content to ride behind Halt and wait it out, but Will was impatient. He glanced at his mentor, hoping he would get a little more information. However, the Ranger ignored him, scanning the ground in front of them. From time to time, he looked up into the trees that flanked the road.

"Are you looking for something?" Will asked.

"Finally, a useful question," Halt said. "Yes, I am. Crowley will have sentries out around the Gathering Ground. I always like to try to fool them as I'm approaching."


"It keeps them on their toes. And they'll try to slip behind us and follow us in, just so they can say they've ambushed me. They never succeed, but this year they'll be trying even harder because they know I'm bringing an apprentice. They'll want to see how good you are."

"An apprentice? Is this part of the testing?" Will asked.

"Yes, an apprentice. Only a few Rangers know I've taken on two, and even less know that one's a girl. And yes, it's the start of it. Remember what I told you?"

Will nodded. For the past two nights, Halt had given them advice and instructions on how to conduct themselves at the Gathering. He had also talked to Elizabeth alone, preparing her for possible reactions when his fellow Rangers found out he'd taken on a girl. He had specifically stressed the fact she had to tell him if anyone did or said anything inappropriate. She should not have to take any abuse for the fact she's a girl.

They had also devised tactics in case of an ambush, and specifically one orchestrated by Gilan. Halt had told them about his former apprentice and his desire to catch Halt out. Although his current apprentices were on Halt's side this time, both mentor and apprentices knew this would not last long.

"Change gait," Halt whispered. "On three. One, two, three."

His apprentices shot him a confused look, but did as he said. Simultaneously, they all nudged their left toes into the horses' shoulders. Instantly, all horses hesitated in their stride, skipping a pace and then continued in their even gait.

Behind them, they could hear another set of horse's hooves behind them, like a slightly delayed echo. Then the other horse changed its gait as well to match their own and the sound was gone.

"Ranger horse," Halt said softly. "That'll be Gilan." Of course he had already expected this the moment he heard another set of hooves. But he wanted to make sure his apprentices heard it as well.

He signalled for silence, and scanned the trail ahead of them. Then he pointed. "That's the spot there. Ready?"

There was a large tree close to the side of the trail, with branches hanging out over the path. As they came closer, Will rose and crouched on Tug's back. Then, as they passed under the branches, Will reached up, grabbed one of the branches, swinging himself up onto it. The instant he left Tug's back, the little horse forced his hooves into the ground with each step so that there would be no sign to a tracker that his load had suddenly lightened.

As the horses reached the next bend, Halt urged Elizabeth and Tug to keep going. He halted Abelard, swung down and pretended to study the ground for signs of tracks. Elizabeth kept going until she felt she was far enough, but not too far. She slid off Belle, gave both horses a signal to remain silent and moved into the bushes.

She moved through the forest as silently as she could, with a wide arch around the place Halt was standing. She cursed herself for her suggestion while they were coming up with a plan. Why had she thought it was a good idea to have to remain unseen in a forest probably full of Rangers. But there was no way back now, and she did not want to disappoint Halt. If only she had more time.

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