
15 4 1

Author's Name:


Review Type:
Cover/Blurb Winner's Prize

Judge 1 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 10/10
Legibility: 9/10
Color Comp.: 10/10
Balance Comp.: 9/10
Overall Impression: 9/10
Total: 47/50
I love this cover at first glance. The concept fits well with the blurb and intended genre, and it looks like an interesting read. I do think the white font for the title is a little harsh because we have a lot of greens happening, so maybe a more neutral color would work better. But I really like this cover!

Judge 2 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 10/10
Legibility: 9.5/10
Color Comp.: 9.5/10
Balance Comp.: 10/10
Overall Impression: 9.8/10
Total: 48.8/50
Two things: make the author's name bigger or more easily read and lighten the boy a little. He seems too dark around the edges. Can you extend the light of the lamp, maybe? Other than those, this is a great cover.

Judge 3 Review:
Main Character: 7/10
World: 7/10
Conflict: 7/10
Stakes: 7/10
Enticement: 7/10
Total: 35/50
This is a good start, but I find it to be a bit too vague and ambiguous. The conflict and originality of the story aren't clear to me from just this blurb.

Judge 4 Review:
Main Character: 7/10
World: 8/10
Conflict: 6/10
Stakes: 6/10
Enticement: 6/10
Total: 33/50
This blurb needs some more details on the conflict and stakes. There are also some award sentences and grammar mistakes that need to be fixed.

 There are also some award sentences and grammar mistakes that need to be fixed

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