How This Works

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First and foremost, Flourish is a review shop that does have a cap, meaning reviewers will place a limit on how many reviews they will do. So, we will be maintaining a waitlist of reviews to be done as well as a pool of reviewers. Keep in mind that some reviewers will only be doing certain kinds of reviews, so authors who want more involved reviews will have to wait longer.

The process we will be following is this:

1. The author asks for a review.

2. The reviewer alerts the author when the review is starting.

3. The author does a partial payment for the reviewer.

4. The reviewer conducts the review and indicates to the author when they are finished.

5. The author completes the payment.

6. The reviewer delivers the review in the requested format.

 The reviewer delivers the review in the requested format

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Getting a review:

If you would like to apply for a review, do the following steps (if you want to be a reviewer, scroll down!)

Step 1: Take a look at the rules and make sure they're something you can abide by. The rules are very important, so please make sure to read them fully and understand them. If you have questions, please ask.

Step 2: Fill out the form in Apply for Review. Please make sure you're filling the form out completely. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask. We're always here to answer!

Step 3: Wait patiently for your form to be accepted. Once we've taken a look at it, a reviewer will choose you as their assignment. That means, no, you do not get to pick who is doing your review.

☁ Please wait for an accepted comment from your reviewer. Once they say accepted, you'll need to start completing the payment.

☁ Your review will be held until payment is complete.

Step 4: Wait patiently for your review to be complete. Once finished, it will be given to you one of three ways: published in your book, through DM on Wattpad, or in a shared Google Doc. You get to decide how you want your review when you fill out the application form.

Note: If you previously decided to have your review published in our review book but no longer wish for it to be made public, please let us know and we'll remove it and provide it to you in a different way.

Note: If you previously decided to have your review published in our review book but no longer wish for it to be made public, please let us know and we'll remove it and provide it to you in a different way

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To apply to be a reviewer:

Step 1: Take a look at the rules and make sure they're something you can abide by. The rules are very important, so please make sure to read them fully and understand them. If you have questions, please ask.

Step 2: Fill out the form in Reviewer Application. Please make sure you're filling the form out completely. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask. We're always here to answer!

☁ Before deciding to apply, please take a look at the timeframes we've decided work best for certain types of reviews. Make sure this is something you can abide by.

☁ Take a look and decide what you think you're best at or what you typically like to look at when reviewing, then apply based on that. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Step 3: Wait patiently for forms to be accepted.

☁ We are giving you the option to pick which books you'd prefer. You guys will decide amongst yourselves who takes what book to review.

☁ Please make sure you respond to the form of the author you'll be doing a review for. At this time, you'll let them know you're getting started and that they can start completing the payment.

☁ It's up to you to keep track of your payments.

Step 4: Please work at a reasonable pace for yourself, within the allotted time for the kind of review you are doing. Pay attention to the method of delivery; you will give your review in one of three ways: published in their book, through DM, or by sharing a Google Doc.

 Pay attention to the method of delivery; you will give your review in one of three ways: published in their book, through DM, or by sharing a Google Doc

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Flourish - A Review Shop by TeamOfDreams - On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now