Oath to the Magic Vow

13 4 1

Author's Name:


Review Type:
Cover/Blurb Winner's Prize

Judge 3 Review:
Main Character: 10/10
World: 9/10
Conflict: 9/10
Stakes: 8/10
Enticement: 10/10
Total: 45/50
This is a really good blurb! It's intriguing, unique and ticks all the boxes of explaining main character, world, conflict and stakes. The stakes could be clarified just a little more, but other than that, this blurb is perfect.

Judge 4 Review:
Main Character: 10/10
World: 9/10
Conflict: 9/10
Stakes: 7/10
Enticement: 8/10
Total: 43/50
The blurb has me hooked! Well done with all areas! Put a little more work into showing the stakes, though. There are also some sentences that were a bit unclear to be because they were quite vague.

Judge 1 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 10/10
Legibility: 9/10
Color Comp.: 5/10
Balance Comp.: 5/10
Overall Impression: 7/10
Total: 36/50
First off, I love the cover image. It looks very interesting off the bat, but I do have to tak off for the font used for the cover. It's very plain and I feel it doesn't match the cover image used. I also think there's a lot going on with the colors that make the cover start to look very messy. The gray title would be fine is you added a drop shadow maybe, but the orange author name is too much and the red 01 is very hard on the eyes.

Jusge 2 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 10/10
Legibility: 9.8/10
Color Comp.: 10/10
Balance Comp.: 10/10
Overall Impression: 9.5/10
Total: 49.3/50
My only issue is the placement of the "Blood Magic 01" at the bottom. I feel it is too far left. Scoot that over, and this is a perfect cover. Nicely done!

 Nicely done!

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