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Klaus pov

We lay next to Bella as she was unconscious. Rosalie came in and said,"u guys should leave. She might not want to meet you right now. " we growled and said, "what do u mean? We are her mates. "

"exactly and I am someone who knows exactly what she is going through. " she snapped. "what do u mean? " Elijah asked. She sighed and told her story. We were shocked. We looked at her with pity. She shook her head, "no pity please and leave now. I will call you when she is ready. "

We nodded and kissing Bella a last time left.

Bella pov

I woke up with a jolt remembering all that I had gone through. I looked around me to find myself in my room. Rosalie smiled at me sadly when I met her. My eyes filled with tears and she immediately hugged me. I flinched but then hugged her tightly.

She picked me up and took me to a shower. She placed me in the tub and I immediately began scrubbing myself. "Bella calm down. U will hurt yourself if u scrub harder. Bella " she tried taking the scrub but I immediately imagined Edward and retreated, "no no no"

Rosalie pov

It hurt me to see her like this. "Damon Klaus Elijah " I shouted. They came in and I went out.

Elijah pov

We rushed into the bathroom and saw Bella scrubbing herself hard. "babe" I said stepping in. She looked at me and retreated to the wall. I touched her and she flinched. I whimpered. "babe please. It's me my love. Elijah your mate. Please. " she just kept shaking and fell unconscious.

We carried her and dried her up. We dressed her nd snuggled upto her.

Two days had passed and Bella had been distant with us. We tried talking kissing or hugging her but she pushed us and made some excuse.

I couldn't take it anymore as couldn't the others and we approached her. "Bella" we said entering the room. She looked up from the book and sighed. "yes" "why are u behaving like this ? Please don't distance yourself. It's killing us please Baby " Klaus said hugging her close.

She shook her head and uttered the words that made our heart's break.
"I don't deserve u "

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