°~Chapter 10~°

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Author's POV

The group of friends had finished eating, And Minghao had nothing to worry about since Mingyu payed for their meal, The next stop on their hangout was at a amusement park, while to a long drive to the amusement park, Y/n had fallen asleep and Minghao was right beside her.

Their seating arrangement in the car.

Mingyu | Ahnjong
________    _______
      Y/n      Minghao

Little did y/n had known while she was having a little dream Her head was already at Minghao's shoulder, Minghao didn't mind y/n sleeping but instead he felt comfortable with her on his shoulder.

Ahnjong had seen Y/n’s head on Minghao's shoulder and yet she smile thinking that her bestfriend had found someone that will make her happy.

They had arrived at the amusement park and there were rides, food stalls, games, And a lot more.

Y/n had not been to a amusement park since her father had died, They used to go to the amusement park when it was her dad's birthday and they would have so much fun, But it's different now Y/n had come with friends and her dad would have been so proud of her making friends because when y/n was a kid she was a quiet kid but lucky Ahnjong helped her overcome it.

They first went to the drop ride, It was a ride that lifts you up and it drops.

Mingyu and Ahnjong were up first and Mingyu was scared to death while Y/n was filming the whole thing, "What if I died?" Mingyu asked while Ahnjong just busted into laughter, "Then you die." Minghao said as he was lounging at a bench watching Mingyu scared to what he said.

Mingyu had fainted but he just took a small nap while in the ride and next was Minghao and Y/n.

Minghao didn't really mind but y/n was trembling her hands shaking and Minghao had noticed this and before the staff counted down, Minghao had held Y/n’s hand tightly to help her calm down, Y/n had calmed down but she also felt startled since Minghao held her hand but instead of stopping him holding her hand she instead intertwined her fingers with his, Minghao had not mind that their fingers were intertwined with each other instead he liked it.

But after they enjoyed the amusement park and it was getting late, and Mingyu drove everyone home, Y/n and Minghao got home and went to their prospective rooms to sleep.

But before going to sleep they had thought of each other not getting rid of the thought of when they held hands.

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