Its all about a baby!

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The next was a big Baby shower function. The preparation was grand enough to make Siya barf. She could never understand how people could spend so much money on simple stuff. She was extremely nervous and conscious today. Siya was never the prettiest or the most good-looking person in her family but the one thing that she never lacked was her confidence. However, today was different. She only wished to survive this day and move on in her life never to look back. Coincidentally the first person she ran into when she arrived was Raghav. He was dressed in traditional Indian attire, an elegant white kurta pajama. Siya wished for her life and situation to be different so she could at least flirt with the man she seems to desire. How she wished she didn't desire him! Raghav greeted her with a biggest smile she has seen on his face before. His smile made her blush a little. She was dressed in simple peacock blue saree with her hair pleated. Just when she was enjoying his attention she was brought back to the reality when her cousins and aunties arrived.

The baby shower was a fancy event with amazing food and ambience. Siya was going through the worst time of her life. When as a woman, you are destressed and depressed you end up going into a dark place. And when you are in a dark place, everything around you seems dark. Siya felt betrayed by life regarding what happened to her medically and how that impacted her happiness. Raghav rejecting a possible relationship with her because of this. He was the one guy she thought she could like, in a really long time. Her parents, sister and other aunties couldn't understand why it was so hard for her to land a man. Here she was, attending a baby shower knowing very well that she could never have one of her own... ever. Here she was, watching a man she liked flirt with her and give her attention knowing very well that she doesn't deserve him for no fault of hers and that her younger cousin is considered to be better suited for him because life had treated her more kindly than it treated Siya. These were the thoughts that constantly ran in her mind today and there was no way for her to escape it. This was the dark place she was stuck in today, and when you are stuck in a place like that you believe yourself to be worthless, you believe yourself to be avoided and ignored by everyone around, you believe you don't deserve any credit or attention. Siya was quieter than usual, doing her thing, keeping herself busy with all the lame jobs assigned to her.

She was standing in a corner listening to all the praises that were showered on Rohit's wife by her grandmother. She was apparently a gift from heaven. She had given her, her first great grandson perhaps another one in coming. Her granny went on and on about how lucky she had been to her family. She spoke of long list of goodness that happened in her family after her marriage to Rohit and one of them was how Siya's parents got a house. Siya couldn't believe granny would say that. Siya suddenly recalled, all the running around looking for houses that fits her budget. Saving every penny she could, to buy a house for her parents. Taking loans from banks and working very hard to pay them. On normal days, Siya would laugh off her granny's ignorance but today she didn't... she simply couldn't. She consoled herself by accepting that she is not lucky enough to get any credit in this life. Siya was now getting into an even darker place when there was a pat on her back. 

It was Raghav and she gave him a very angry look for disturbing her self-loathing. Before she could react any further, she noticed two women by his side. They looked extremely south Indian in this room full of north Indian people. Raghav introduced Siya to his mother and aunt Komala. Raghav's mother spoke to Siya very kindly but was soon pulled away by Rohit's mother. Siya was surprised on how specially she was being treated by her family. Siya was stuck with Komala aunty. This woman had all praises for Raghav which embarrassed him enough for him to leave the conversation. She then spoke to Siya about her daughters. She had two daughters, the elder one was married and had a baby girl. The younger daughter Natasha was to become a government officer and now was a desirable match for any man to marry. Both her daughters were extremely pretty wearing the most expensive clothes, with perfect hair and makeup. Komala bragged about her younger one in the group almost making a very load marriage pitch. Siya tolerated for a while and found an escape soon. While she was walking alone, Raghav walked towards her. As soon as he tried to casually put his arms around her, Siya reacted abruptly and took a step away from him. Raghav asked her about her mother and aunt, but Siya couldn't give him a reply, her eyes seemed to have been talking in a much serious tone than Raghav anticipated. What she wanted to say to him was... what the hell are you up to! All she could say was "I think your Aunt is too fond of you". Raghav replied, "yes, she has been ever since I started earning well". "I think she wants you to marry her daughter. As a matter of fact, it looks like every mother in this room wants the same" said Siya, rolling her eyes in slight disgust. Raghav replied naughtily "Where's your mom then?". Siya answered calmly with a slight tone of sorrow in her voice "She wouldn't be eligible". She walked away.

Unfortunately for Siya, the worst was yet to come. During the baby shower ceremony, there was a ritual to be performed by Siya. When she reached the stage to perform it, she was pulled out from there with a lame excuse. Siya heard few women whisper how it is bad luck for a woman like Siya to be performing those rituals for the would-be mother. Siya quietly left the stage and took an elevator. She went up to the terrace on 14th floor. It had a beautiful view of Bangalore. There was no one around and no one could hear her. She bust out in uncontrollable tears. She tried to stop crying but she would only end up crying more. It must have been few minutes and she found Raghav standing behind her. This was the most humiliating moment of her life.

Raghav just stood there, watching her without uttering a single word. Siya collected herself and sobbing stopped a few minutes later. Raghav asked her what happened, and she told him what happened to her on the stage. He looked very irritated and said, "why on earth did you have to tell these people". Siya replied, "I had to tell a guy they made me meet for marriage, he very conveniently leaked the information. Apparently its a great topic for gossip". Raghav replied in a consoling tone "You don't have to take these people seriously, they are idiots. Look at this event of a baby shower, its atrocious." Siya's temper hit the roof and she lashed out at Raghav "what do you think you are! You are just like them. What the hell do you think you are doing, flirting with me, introducing me to your mom, all the while looking for younger girls to marry.". He stood there in shock but didn't have anything to reply. She continued "Watching you watch me in this situation is the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. I don't ever want to see you again. Go find someone else to pity on. Please leave me the hell alone. And You are not like them... you are way worse!!"

Raghav left and when Siya joined the party he was no where to be seen. She could hear few women gossips. She felt more eyes on her when she walked in, and people somehow looked a but more sympathetic towards Siya. Her cousin Rohit came to her and asked her to take care of his son. Siya smiled and said, "I don't baby sit why don't you get Lakshmi to take him". Rohit was tongue tied; this was the meanest Siya had ever been to him. Siya didn't know the complete details, but she was told that Raghav had given his cousin Rohit a subtle bashing for the way his family had treated Siya and left the party. Siya was numb now and wondered if what she told Raghav on the terrace was even necessary. She wondered if he hated her now and agreed that even if he did hate her, it will be for both their good because it would mean that this chapter is finally closed. 

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